2v2 single
Style: Set
DQ: 7 days
Damage Cap: 35%
Banned Moves: OHKOs, Earthquake, Draco Meteor (moves that would change the terrain signifigantly)
Arena: Forina
A large, cavernous valley in Hoenn with large pillars of stone shooting up from the ground.
This is the resting place of Jirachi as it sleeps for millennia in a cavern. As such, Steel- and Psychic-type moves are boosted by 2% here. Jirachi’s power to grant wishes is evident here as well: if a Pokémon is below 50% in both health and energy, there is a 2% chance each round that that Pokémon will have its wish subconsciously granted by Jirachi and regain 10% in health and energy.
Also, each round there is a 15% (5% each) chance that a wild Absol, Flygon, or Nuzleaf will pop out from the rocks and use a 5% Dark-, Dragon-, or Grass-type move on a random battler.
So, uh, basically
this and
Round Three Begin!
Team Whirlpool OO

[Hydra] Deino (M)
Ability: Hustle
Health: 63%
Energy: 83%
Status: “Finally, things are going my way!” Paralyzed (Light: 25% chance of full paralysis). Poisoned (Severe; 2% this round, 3% next. Accuracy -1. Special Defense -1.
Team Pathos OO


[Zerzin] Magnemite
Ability: Magnet Pull, Marvel Scale
Health: 84%
Energy: 64%
Zerzin begins the round by waiting for its opponent to make a move. Hydra opens his mouth, about to scream as high as he possibly can. But as he tries, his vocal chords seize up and he fails to make even a sound. Oh, just wait; he’d soon have the upper hand. The Magnemite notices that his attack is done, and proceeds to float closer to the dino, moving right in front of Hydra’s face. Then, its eye flashes with the brightest light the Deino has ever seen, intensified by the strong sunlight. Ahhhh, that would stick with him for a while.
Then, Zerzin floats backwards, and begins to levitate in a circle. Faster and faster and faster it goes, until it suddenly screeches to a stop (how it screeches, no one knows), three more Magnemites trailing behind it. The four all float in a straight line. Hydra grimaces. That would prove to be annoying. But the sooner he starts to eliminate the clones, the better. The Deino begins to gather flames in his mouth, and tries to charge forward. But for the last time, his muscles lock up, and he is left standing still and glaring at his opponent. Thankfully, he notices the electricity in his muscles dissipate—Thank goodness!
Zerzin isn’t done quite yet, though. All of the Magnemites begin to charge up silvery balls of energy. As soon as all of them are about a foot wide or so, they all pull back their magnets and slam themselves into the energy balls. Only one of the attacks is real, but it strikes the Deino hard, knocking him back a ways. He curses. Not more flashing! At this rate he's gonna have a seizure soon! But still, now that his paralysis is gone, he may as well at least
try to attack. Hydra steps back, then charges forward, Fire-type energy gathering in his mouth. He leaps toward a magnemite, and sinks his teeth into…nothing. As his jaws snap together uselessly, the clone disappears into thin air. Hydra looks around nervously as the other three surround him and laugh.
Round Three End!
Team Whirlpool OO

[Hydra] Deino (M)
Ability: Hustle
Health: 49%
Energy: 77%
Status: Feeling a bit Claustrophobic. Poisoned (Severe; 3% this round, 4% next. Accuracy -2. Special Defense -1.
Team Pathos OO


[Zerzin] Magnemite
Ability: Magnet Pull, Marvel Scale
Health: 84%
Energy: 45%
Status: Sending electromagnetic signals of thanks to the RNG gods. 2 clones remaining.
Damage and Energy Calculations
•Flash: 5% energy
•Double Team: 6% energy
•Flash Cannon: 11% damage, 8% energy
•Fire Fang: 6% energy
Arena Notes
•Sunny Day is in effect (five more actions)
•Against all odds, Hydra was paralyzed on both actions 1 AND 2. Then the paralysis faded away.
•Hydra came SO CLOSE to missing on the last Fire Fang; it literally hit the last number on which it didn’t miss.
•…On the accuracy roll, at least. If it had gone any higher than it had the attack would’ve missed the clone altogether. It missed, though, because it hit clone #2.
•…A shame, too. Fire Fang rolled as a Critical Hit.
Next Round:
•Pathos attacks
•Whirlpool attacks
•I ref