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[NIGHT 3] Confused PokeMafia


Companion Cube
Night falls on the confused congregation. Nobody knows who he is, and nobody knows who to trust.

One by one, each player returns to his abode, in preparatino for his actions that night.

Night has begun. 48 hours for night actions.

EDIT: Extending the deadline by about 10-12 hours for school and whatnot. T_T
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Re: [NIGHT 1] Confused PokeMafia

Day 1

The sun is hidden behind the clouds. It is still dark outside, and nobody has awoken yet, except the town night watchman. He notices an unusual bulge by the town square, where the citizens would normally spent the most of the day.

An ominous wind blows by, but he tries to ignore it. He lifts his lamp to the bulge and nearly faints at what he sees.

The body of rock-ground, lying on top of what appears to be a burlap sack.

Pull yourself together, he says to himself. He gets down onto his knees and takes a closer look. There are two or three flies buzzing by, and an earthworm digging through rock-ground's eyeballs. Turning his corpse over, the watchman notices that there are no scars or wounds. Breathing heavily, he plants his ear next to the corpse's chest, but hears nothing. The only sign of an attack is the expression on rock-ground's face, one of pure terror.

Planning to move the body, he lifts rock-ground's corpse off of the burlap sack and nearly faints again.

The burlap sack is in fact Grass King's corpse, neatly folded up underneath rock-ground. He wears the same expression as rock-ground, as if he was scared to death.

rock-ground is dead.
Grass King is dead.

Day has begun. 48 hours for discussion.
Re: [DAY 1] Confused PokeMafia

So! The only two possibilities here are 1. Haunter, and 2. Pikachu Cult. I'm willing to bet on 1, though, what with the "expressions of pure terror".

Other than that, I don't have anything.
Re: [DAY 1] Confused PokeMafia

Or Haunter and Pikachu Cult, since both of them look scared to death. The mafia's kill may have been blocked by Togetic healing the victim, Nosepass inadvertently blocking Scyther, or the victim being Forretress.
Re: [DAY 1] Confused PokeMafia

Wait. I thought the people Pikachu targets don't die?
Re: [DAY 1] Confused PokeMafia

They do die if Pikachu does, so if this was a Pikachu Cult thing then most likely rock-ground would have been Pikachu and had just inducted Grass King before somebody (Haunter?) killed rock-ground, killing both.
Re: [DAY 1] Confused PokeMafia

Wait. I thought the people Pikachu targets don't die?

They shouldn't; they should turn into Pichu.

The Sign Up Thread said:
Pikachu: Every night recruits one player into the cult. Each recruited player becomes a Pichu. If Pikachu dies, all Pichus die.
Pichu: Dies if Pikachu dies. There are zero at start of game.

Which means Haunter and Scyther both got their kills, right? Which means they both ought to know who they are. Yikes.

This game is so weird. Should we try to figure out how to flush out the ones with their votes affected?
Re: [DAY 1] Confused PokeMafia

This is really, really hard. No one knows what side they're on!

...Well, whoever targetted either rock-ground or Grass King do, but still.

All I can say is last night, I targeted Emerald Espeon, and nothing happened to them. (This is sort of like a role-claim, I know, but with added confusion!) Is anyone else willing to confess to who they targeted?
Re: [DAY 1] Confused PokeMafia

Maybe they're both in the Pikachu Clan. With everyone just sending out random usernames though, I wonder how likely it is that Scyther/Haunter would have both missed their kill and that the other one would have hit a Pikachu? Not terribly likely?

I think this game is probably best played if we try to work together, so I'll say that I targeted Worst Username Ever and nothing happened.
Re: [DAY 1] Confused PokeMafia

I targeted Brock as well; obviously, nothing happened.
Re: [DAY 1] Confused PokeMafia

I targeted Jack_the_PumpkinKing and nothing happened as far as I know.
Re: [DAY 1] Confused PokeMafia

You're pretty popular today, Brock.

Alright, how's this for a Magikarp plan? Everyone can vote for just one person (for themselves, maybe?), so then we've got one vote each. Assuming we want to get the Magikarp? I mean, they can't do anything useful and we might as well try and get rid of them before we hit them on accident. I guess this could be bad if we accidentally kill someone with a Sneasel, but maybe that would be a decent way to pick someone to die without trying to figure out leads, anyway.

Oh, and Kadabra and Duskull might know who they are, too. Or at least they'll know that they're a detective type; I guess they can't tell which side they're on. Do either of you want to reveal your status? I'm not entirely certain what the mafia will do about you; it's not guaranteed they know who they are, and if they think you might be a Duskull they won't want you to die.

Dodrio also might have some idea, but it's hard to say if they should wait or not. Someone might target them, but they also might live through their three turns and then they could hand all that information to us.
Re: [DAY 1] Confused PokeMafia

I like the for-ourselves Magikarp plan, at least unless we can deduct anything else from who targeted whom or from Dodrio, Kadabra or Duskull.

Shall I start? I nominate myself.
Re: [DAY 1] Confused PokeMafia

I guess I'll vote for myself too. It's not like we have any aliens, and anyone who uses this as an opportunity to try and get majority vote on someone they don't like is clearly against us.

Nominate Hiikaru.
Re: [DAY 1] Confused PokeMafia

Sure, although whoever is Sneasel may be in for a surprise, as they may get the majority...

Nominating ole_schooler. (Man that felt weird.)
Re: [DAY 1] Confused PokeMafia

I also targeted Worst Username Ever...and nothing has happened to him.

Nominating Griffin.
Re: [DAY 1] Confused PokeMafia

I don't want to die. Also, I did nothing at night. Nominating myself. I guess.
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