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Obsessive Scribblers~

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Seriously though, it looks great. And is that a Danni!Sock on the tail I see?

Nah, Ice's tail is striped purple and blue. I just usually forget to draw it because I'm awesome like that :D
And look on the bright side, you got the 1000th reply :P
Awww, I am loving the DanniCosplay pictures so, so much :D They're fantastic and I love them. Kai's and Crazy Linoone's new avvie's are epic <3
I coloured Crazy Linoone's picture from earlier, but I won't be able to show you until at least Wednesday because I'm at home now and don't have a scanner. It's, uh, fairly rainbowy. X3

I really like Ice's picture of the group of people; I'm assuming it's a class pic? The way you drew everyone looking so different is really cool; it's hard to keep the same style while drawing 20+ people, but you managed it very well. It kinda reminds me of the cover of the Battle Royale DVD, but you probably don't want to think about that so much.

Yaaaay for politislash~ (I'll never draw it but that'll never stop me from looking) I love the poses; the legs and proportions are very, very good. The heads are a little round, but the facial expressions are brilliant X3

I hope we see lots of your comic, Ice. Speaking as someone who rarely does comics and never does backgrounds, comics are are really good way of practicing backgrounds (as well as things like expressions which you're, as I've said before, very good at), and if you draw new comic strips frequently, we'll be able to see you improve and it'll be goooood~ :3

Aww, you've very wleome, ECM :3 And I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with Prismacolours; I'd really like to try some for myself, but the only place I can find them is online, and they're very, very expensive, and I like the pencils I use at the moment quite a bit.

Oh my god, the RattaQuazaMander (?) is so, so adorable. It's a brilliant idea and is the cutest thing I've seen in a very long time :)
I really like the shading on the Lugia pic; the darker colours make it look like it's underwater and reallt makes me want to go and watch the Pokemon 2000 movie.

Hehe, RainbowIce is so cuuuuute~ I especially love how the hat's balancing on your ears X3 And congrats on the 1000th post!

Edit: And Rainbow Rayquaza's rainbow hat is SUPREMELY AWESOME.
I really like Ice's picture of the group of people; I'm assuming it's a class pic? The way you drew everyone looking so different is really cool; it's hard to keep the same style while drawing 20+ people, but you managed it very well. It kinda reminds me of the cover of the Battle Royale DVD, but you probably don't want to think about that so much.

I hope we see lots of your comic, Ice. Speaking as someone who rarely does comics and never does backgrounds, comics are are really good way of practicing backgrounds (as well as things like expressions which you're, as I've said before, very good at), and if you draw new comic strips frequently, we'll be able to see you improve and it'll be goooood~ :3

Hehe, RainbowIce is so cuuuuute~ I especially love how the hat's balancing on your ears X3 And congrats on the 1000th post!

Thank youu x33

Yes, it's a picture of my Tutor Group. I'm in my last year at High School now so I just had to make a tribute. I'm going to see if I can get it in the Year Book :3
It's just too bad it didn't scan very well :<

Haha, my first twenty or so comics had little or no background, unless it was necessary. It's only recently I've started putting more detail in them (I haven't even uploaded most of the stuff I scanned to DA yet. Best do something now ._.)
Can't say I think my expressions are particularly good. I kinda reuse the same ones often, but I'll have to try and get more creative, I guess =3

(That's hair, incidentally. Extremely wacky hair xD)

Okay uploaded some moar stuff :D


Artist's Comments
Aside from the fact that I -still- can't draw Ice's hair properly, I like this one. It happens so many times. I need to tell GF0 something but he's not there, so I send a message for when he gets back. I go offline for a bit and he comes on, sees my message, responds and goes offline again, usually two or three minutes before -I- return.
Also I don't know what's up with Ice in the fourth panel but he reminds me of L for some reason o.o


Artist's Comments
Yeah so I completely revamped the whole idea of the xeagles for Ice the Cat. They now live on islands. Deal with it.
But yeah, I wanted a proper map, so I know where everything is. It may look like a small place for an entire species to live...but...um...the buildings are -really- big, okay :D?
Uh, Dannichu said everything I was going to say...

Awww, I am loving the DanniCosplay pictures so, so much :D They're fantastic and I love them. Kai's and Crazy Linoone's new avvie's are epic <3
I coloured Crazy Linoone's picture from earlier, but I won't be able to show you until at least Wednesday because I'm at home now and don't have a scanner. It's, uh, fairly rainbowy. X3

Thanks! :D Can't wait for the scans.

And, uh, Ice, could you please link the pictures instead of posting them? Because they take a while to load and may be painful for people with dial-up and stuff... But I really like your expressions. They always fit the mood perfectly.

RainbowRayquaza, your pictures are so cute~ I really love the way you shade stuff. And the way you Rattata and Rayquaza and Charmeleon and maybe Mewtwo fit together so perfectly is... I can't describe it... Awesome? Perfect? Well, something along the lines of that. And you even have a Dannihat now! You should dress up as Dannichu to some sort of event or something, and, if people ask, you can be like "I'm the goddess of rainbows" or something.

...'s blobby politicians are just awesome.
Linoone is the winner! Here's your prize *hands Linoone a jar of air with a ribbon tied round it*
You know, it's kinda weird being around people who talk about rainbows so much, I keep thinking people are talking about me. I guess that's what I get for calling myself Rainbow. Hey, if I wear my hat and scarf, I can be RainbowRainbowRayquaza! RRR!
...Yeah it's kinda late and I don't have any pictures or comments for anyone, sorry.
... must.... draw..... RAINBOWS!!!!!
I am going to go draw something with rainbows, all this talk of rainbows has inspired me! :D

...'s blobby politicians are just awesome.

Yaaaay for politislash~ (I'll never draw it but that'll never stop me from looking) I love the poses; the legs and proportions are very, very good. The heads are a little round, but the facial expressions are brilliant X3

Yay, my random pairing got love. <3 I'm glad the proportions are good; I'm usually not good at that sort of thing.
:D Rainbows! I like your expression, and the picture is very colorful. The wrinkle in the jeans are very nice, although you look like you're about to fall backwards in that pose...
Thank you, and I know :D I actually stand that way X3 Someone may think my legs are broken half the time :D

:D I like IMAAAAAGIINAATION things :D Rainbows <3 Nice~

And lol I was bored so I drew 'myself' fighting a 'anti-rainbow troll' :D I am using my rainbow blanket cape of justice! (fyi I actually has a similar rainbow 'cape' I love it its fuzzy <3)
And no anti-rainbow trolls don't deserve to be inked or colored properly >:( they are to icky and mean, and they want to burn OS land to the ground because of it's happy-fun awesome rainbowness.
And lol I was bored so I drew 'myself' fighting a 'anti-rainbow troll' :D I am using my rainbow blanket cape of justice! (fyi I actually has a similar rainbow 'cape' I love it its fuzzy <3)
And no anti-rainbow trolls don't deserve to be inked or colored properly >:( they are to icky and mean, and they want to burn OS land to the ground because of it's happy-fun awesome rainbowness.

Hehe, that is so adorable and the idea is adorable and aaaaah~

The first pic isn't working for me, though. Is the link broken, or is my computer messed up?

I got my housemate to scan up Crazy Linoone's picture, though! Here we go~ The original's up on my wall now :D
And lol I was bored so I drew 'myself' fighting a 'anti-rainbow troll' :D I am using my rainbow blanket cape of justice! (fyi I actually has a similar rainbow 'cape' I love it its fuzzy <3)
And no anti-rainbow trolls don't deserve to be inked or colored properly >:( they are to icky and mean, and they want to burn OS land to the ground because of it's happy-fun awesome rainbowness.

Awesome, glowy, rainbowy~
Hehe, that is so adorable and the idea is adorable and aaaaah~

The first pic isn't working for me, though. Is the link broken, or is my computer messed up?

I got my housemate to scan up Crazy Linoone's picture, though! Here we go~ The original's up on my wall now :D



I love how Castform the Spheal turns out to be a rainbow blob when colored.

blurg will comment on other's arts later.
I love how Castform the Spheal turns out to be a rainbow blob when colored.

Yup, I am in fact a ball of gooey rainbow goodness~

In other news, I'm still an evil person. I've drawn stuff recently, but nothing is scanned yet, so...
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