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Open Operation Aspirin

Mia shrugged, then jumped lightly onto her back, looking a bit awkward. She was holding her claws away from the other Pokemon's back. If she wasn't careful, Shadowflare could get hurt pretty quickly.
"Nothing. Uh.. thanks."
We are currently setting off for Goldenrod.


The darkness felt eerie. The National Park was still, except for the rustling the wind caused. It wasn't exactly Jiro's element, that was for sure. He pressed forward, sure the others wouldn't lose sight of him or anything. Jiro stopped at the brush closest to the southern gatehouse. This was the problem. The lights were on. He thought for a bit about how to get through, then figured brute force would be simplest. He built up as much gas pressure as he could, and sprang out of the bush and through the door. A human behind the desk suddenly stood up, but Jiro turned quickly and launched himself at the guard, knocking him unconscious. Jiro then hid behind the desk, as there was an inevitable squad of Pokemon coming to investigate.
"Need help?"

Without waiting for an answer, Qua romped up behind Jiro. He glared in the direction that he heard Pokemon coming from.
Oh, okay. Thanks.

Valegon watched Jiro get into the building silently. What was he going to do?
Aria blended in almost perfectly with the sky. She flew high above Jiro and the rest, and swooped down when she saw something was wrong. She had no Murkrow behind her, but didn't mind, since her team were sort of like her Murkrow. As soon as the Honchkrow heard someone approaching, she prepared to use Aerial Ace.
Russ noted the arrival of pokemon, who would be investigating the disturbance.

He slunk backwards into some more bushes

It's a waste of time staying in the open, even if it is night
Maraxus followed promptly, staying closer to the walls. He silently made his way to Jiro, with exceptional speed. Crawling over the desk, he sat down in the darkest area he could, and began to stare at his hand.
The Route 35 door opened up. Rather, it was thrown open, as the enemy decided on brute strength this time. A Rhydon entered first. Jiro leapt up and rocketed towards it, like so many foes before, but the mindless Rhydon ducked it's head in time, and caught Jiro on it's drill. Jiro was thrown back across the room. The wall behind him collapsed, revealing a Machamp, a Heracross, probably some Scyther, but Jiro couldn't quite make them out at that moment.
Mia grinned, revealing small fangs like knives.
"Fun, fun."
The Weavile, flinging herself at the nearest enemy, (a Machamp), dug her claws into one of its arms and bit down until her jaws were aching. She jumped up onto it's back, attacking with multiple Ice Punches.
Shadowflare built a ball of fire in her mouth. "Hah, luke, I ken tawk wif fier in mah mouph!" she said, muffled by the fire. She released it onto the enemies.
Maraxus immediatly leapt out of hiding, bouncing off the desk and kicking a Heracross in the face. He blasted the Heracross upon landing on the ground, and turned around, bending over, to trip whatever pokemon was there. Unfortunatly, he ended up getting kicked across the room by a Machamp.
Qua roared, charging a ball of aura in his mouth. The dark pulse was shot at the ground, raising dust and hurting the enemies there.
Aeru had followed obediently, not letting her own private disappointment and contempt show. She would fight for the cause, and help them... It appears the enemy had been ready for them, judging by the sudden influx of foes. Lunging at a Scyther, the Houndoom used a Flamethrower, watching with glee as it stumbled back. Keeping up the scorching attack until she was sure it was dead, or at least out of the battle, she looked for another target. The Machamp didn't have a weakness to fire, so she would be at a disadvantage... Better to try and find another Bug-type enemy to torch.
Aria immediately Aerial Aced a nearby Heracross. It hit her with Bug Buzz, but she turned around and used Wing Attack. "Simple," she taunted. Immediately she flew up. Another Heracross slammed into her with Megahorn, and she fell to the ground. It then used Close Combat, and Aria blacked out.
Russ lined up a heracross and a scyther and launched a massive bust of flame from his mouth. The two bug-types crashed to the floor, thier wings scorched so much by the heat that they were uselss. The two tried to stand, but a second blast of fire sent them crahing to the ground, having beeen knocked out cold.
Mia jumped, trying to avoid being hit by one of the Machamps' many arms which were flailing around and attack at the same time. She was extremely powerful for her size, but little in the way of defense, and this was a fighting type, and-and-and-
There was a stinging pain in her back, and the Weavile was sent flying to the ground. A few seconds later, the Machamp collapsed in a heap. Dizzy, Mia stood up and and licked her shoulder, which had been scraped against the ground when she fell and was now bleeding.
Jiro stood up again and assessed the situation. The only foes left at fighting strength were the Machamp and the Rhydon. He glowed with dark energy and aimed at the Rhydon. The dark pulse flew straight at it and hit. The Rhydon staggered. Jiro then jetted up into the air and propelled himself at the earth, causing an earthquake. It knocked both the Rhydon and the Machamp to the ground, the Rhydon most likely unable to fight on now.
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