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Rift in the Dimensions: Signups/OOC!

That's fine, too. :3

A social group? Hmm...I haven't thought about that, but it does sound neat. I can make one.

Dammit, we do need a banner. I'd love to make one, but the most advanced program I have is MS Paint. Anyone interested in making one?
... Oh. I take it you didn't inform Evoli of the plan, then. Rather strange timing.

Yes, this group needs a social group. :D I went over the whole 'a RitD banner would not work' thing with Dragon over VM, though.

Also: Seeing as Dragon's old Maple Story arc was originally going to be next, and that Dragon and I have long gotten our act together in regard to the Digimon arc, would we be able to do that next (after your second Pokemon arc-thing)? Given that Dragon is ready, of course. I can provide details later and, if you, Skymin, would like, PM you with the chain of PMs that went between Dragon and I, in case you wanted to feel omniscient know something extra about our arc. It's all in the PMs. Preferably after I go on tommorrow and post the bits everyone should know; I really have to get off now.

Goodnight, RitD peeps. :3
Yeah, that sounds good. Bwahahaha

I'm getting worried, though. I feel like I'm pushing this RP way too much on other people, but again I want everyone to be able to visit a world they like and there's a lot I know nothing about.
Oh god my mind totally took that the wrong way. But yeah, I guess it does give the RP a more communal feel, eh?

And yeah, awesome thread. :P

The character limit is now officially three. New characters can come in when the plot allows. We'll see how this goes. If it doesn't get too chaotic, it'll stick. :D

Name: Samus Aran
Series: Metroid
Personality: A strong, mostly silent type, she's very serious about her work and is very calculating, almost to the point of being cold, but she does have her flashes of compassion sometimes. She's not one to scare easily, having seen pretty much everything before.
Other: Yup, Samus. She has access to most of her weapons, Missiles and Super Missiles, morph ball, bombs/a few Super Bombs. She's wearing her Varia suit.
OK here goes...

Name: Caeda (Shiida for the Europeans)
Series: Fire Emblem
Personality: A pure hearted, optimistic type, Caeda seems childish at first, but she becomes deathly serious when the time comes. Her one weakness now might be not actually being with Marth, although Caeda can put her mind past it most of the time, there are times when their being apart gets to her.
Other: Her pegasus shall be named Tsubame for the purposes of this RP. And I need to actually finish Shadow Dragon...

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Picture 2
Hi! I've decided I'll give it a try.


Name:Crasher Wake Crushken(Krush-Ken, sometimes calls himself 'Smash/Bash/Crash Kenny')

Gender: Male, sorta.

Age: 14

Species: Veemon(yayzors for unexpected!)

Series: Kill hannah montana Didgimon

Appearance: Although he is a veemon, Kenny(real name) is red. He has sharp claws, and his eyes are light yellow. The horn on his nose is plenty much bigger than normal, but expect that, he looks like any digimon. Because he is nothing but a bunch of data, all of his wounds have disappeared.

Bio:....He's a bunch of computer datas, y'know, there's not much history to write about this dino. ...

Personality: Kenny's name isnt there for nothing- when fighting, his most reliable weapon is his oversized hammer. He is very playful, and always looks at the good side, no matter how bad it is- that is, he will still smile if he would be on a torture chair, an electric chair, or whatever else. He always tries to make friends with everyone, even if that someone is pointing at him with a gun, but does realize that sometimes fun isnt an option. He can be destructive, but he never likes to spill blood. When fighting, he forgets everything about his personality, and the normally friendly Kenny becomes....CrashKen.

Other: Crusher kenny gave himself his name for one reason- he always takes around a hammer, the hammer-head having the shape of an X-Veemon's head, including the horns, that also has wings and can be used as a mean of trasport. Another useful fact about this hammer is that it can change form- be it to a small chisel, a knife, or a sword. It can also become small enough for Kenny to easily take it. He always wears a light leather armour, that covers his chest, stomach, legs, and has long sleeves. Although it seems to be heavy, it is acctualy 'elastic', and Kenny can move in it as if he wouldnt wear anything. When Kenny de- or Digivolves, the armour also changes its size, allowing Kenny to wear it in any form. He also wears a blue scarf for no aparent reason, and always carries around a small gun that can shoot small smoke bombs, sleep gas, and normal bullets if needed.
wow this took a lot of time. I wonder wether I'll create another character...
You'll have to wait a bit. A little before we finish the arc we're at, I'll start off the new characters in the Endless Plains.

Well, only one of mine, really, so I avoid having 4 characters at any one time.
....I read the rules, and I plan to have 2 characters at the moment. MIGHT, but unlikely, create a third one.


Name: BlastSca(Blast-Ska, main name is Scazzer. Sometimes called 'Tiggy no beardScazzer the blast')

Gender: MAIL Male

Age: 15

Species: Chronomon. If you dont know this species, its the 'digimon world dawn' mascot.

Series: Gigi, err, Digimon.

Appearance: Scazzer, unlike his species, is light toquise rather than orange. His belly is very light torquise, and the round shape on his forehead is dark blue. His eyes are a deep red, and he has long claws on his hands. He also wears claws over his hands(looks a little like wolverine's claws or toxicroaks thingy on the middle finger).
He has no battle wounds as he is a data bunch.

Bio: A data lion-kid doesnt need much of a history,
but here it comes. Scazzer was corrupted a little when he was created and ended up blue.

Personality: Scazzer is calm, and almost always stays that way. He freaks out when a friend of his gets inot mortal danger, but never else. He ignores insults, and always likes to scan the battlefield, possible edges, and every millimeter of a battle before joining it. He never rushes inot combat, but will if one hurts a friend. He always likes ot stay cold, and acctualy doesnt really like heat, althuogh he can get used to it if he is stuck in the middle of snowpoint temple.

Other: Scazzer wears steel plates on his shoulders, elbows and knees. He wears an elastic, hard leaher armor, that allows him to move almost freely, although it does cost some speed. The armour has the special attribute of chaging size when he digivolves, and it becomes more steel than leather as he goes up forms. When in his champion form, his chest and some of the legs are covered in metal, although it becomes mithril rather than normal steel. He always carries around a swor,d which becomes a dagger in the in-training form, a shortword in rookie form, a longsword in chamion form and so on. It can change form to a bow, with which Scazzer gained his name 'the blaster'- he usually puts bombs, items or simply poison as arrowtip, although he sometimes just uses it as a normal bow. He always carries a backpack, which he fills with food, medicine, bomb supplies, healing herbs and the ingredients needed to create his special 'bomb-mixes'.
Yes... yes... and YES!!

Name: Yami Marik
Series: Yu-Gi-Oh!
Personality: Being born off of his hosts pain and suffering, he enjoys inflicting the same upon others. He almost seems to draw pleasure out of such deeds. He is a cruel, insane, self-absorbed being who will do whatever it takes to preserve is own existence. Despite that, he is extremely reckless, often making attacks without thinking the consequences through.
Other: How shall he do battle? Well, he'll obviously use the Millennium Rod, but I have plans to expand his repertoire.
Name: Gold
Series: Pokémon Special
Personality: To put it in as few words as possible: arrogant, determined, loves Indy Ploys, and hits on nearly anything with two legs and boobs. He's better then he used to be about the last thing, though. May or may not be gay for Silver.
Other: Bulbapedia is love~
Twiggy, Exo-Raikou, and Ketsu: All accepted.

Exo, I really look forward to seeing how the hell you're going to play Yami Marik. XD
I would so like to join.
Name:Arthas Menethil
Personality: After being corrupted, Arthas retains his leadership qualities as well as his wit, yet his sense of humor becomes extremely grim as he changes into the opposite of his former self, an extremely ruthless, cynical person. As a soulless Death Knight, Arthas seems to enjoy what he's doing, not above mocking and taunting his enemies and gloating over their defeat. Soon, he is surprised that he no longer can feel pity or remorse, that soon explained to him losing his soul to Frostmourne.
Other:This is before he became the Lich King. But after he became a Death Knight.
Also, I need a run-down of whaat happened if that is ok.
Way too late, buddy. xD

Well, not really, but you can't really join us in the middle of an arc, sadly. Would've been awesome. Unless Skymin is willing to bend the rules of her own RP.
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