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The "Fwee" Thread III

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I get to see my old art teacher today!

And I had a sleepover with one of my best friends on Saturday. I barely had any contact with her for a year or so because she couldn't get into her email. Apparently she fixed the little problem recently so I'll actually be able to talk to her next year!

I also got a new suitcase, and a new Kindle (a newer model, so hopefully it won't break so quickly). And for some reason I'm just really really really happy right now! Yay.
Talking to my friend's mom makes me feel so much better every time. She made me realize that my mom can go to Social Services all she wants, but unless she can declare my dad unfit to be a parent they're just going to put me right back here. And I fucking love it here. Walk to the beach, the park, the zoo, the soccer field where most of my friends play for school, the restaurant where my dad owns all the food so I can get it for free, other restaurants...I can do freaking anything. Also I can hang out with people like every other day. This is awesome.
whoa what the fuck how did i not notice this new salad fingers

and another health reminder toon as well!

I have no idea why David Firth's disturbing animations make me so happy and I honestly don't care. <3 Plus, a load of well-written creepy pasta that cheered me up considerably and inspired me to write some more. Plus, joining this creative writing group was an awesome idea, thank god I didn't flake out.
Super Paper Mario Get!

(for some reason they forgot to display it in the store. nice one GameStop)
Finally getting around to coloring in all those drawings I've done: Should be up later today :3
*Squeals like a giddy third-grade fangirl*

I got a new sketchbook today! :D I've been surviving on about three pages left of my last one and scraps of notebook paper all summer!
I've been having a Detective Conan marathon, and at one point stopped to look at the English dub to see how it compared. I spent a good while laughing at the unfamiliarity and just plain wrong-ness of the voices and language. xD

I have ribbons on my trumpet and a cape on my back. I am a happy Polymetric :P
PHEW I am finally sitting in my (surprisingly large) room in a new city, survived all the way to my single apartment-thingy although the navigator's battery died before I got to the city P: I am feeling pretty damn fine now since the apartment looks neat and my neighbors seem nice C:
also I have two penguin kettles (its head and body) for some serious cookin' if I ever feel like eating self-made food :D !!!
We're going off to uni really soon, and yesterday was the last chance to do stuff in town, so we went on a pub crawl and had the most fun. We played pool and I was terrible and drew Pokemon all over the score chalkboard and then nicked an absolute ton of beermats and a traffic cone. Which is now in the garden. The parents are wondering what to do with it.
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