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What do you think of fellow forumgoers

Too lazy to look through this thread. Post what you think about me and I'll post what I think about you.
Zim: Like you are just MEGAWESOMENOCITY, no seriously~ ;;Aryletthugs!;; I love chatting with you, it is ARYLETTFUN~! And you should come to Arylettopia, then you can Arylettdance with me~ Oh, I have problems, oh yes I do.
The Lett: Yes, I should come with you to Arylettopia~ And you're pretty damn awesome and fun to talk to. Sometimes you tend to talk about Arylettopia a bit too much, but you're still awesomenocity!
Ze Zim: Ahaha, are you kidding? Arylettopia is AWESOMENOCITY~! Besides, I am the Queen. Oh yes sir, I am. But I love you, really~ You're awesomenocity too! And please, you can come to Arylettopia any time you WANT~
That's really sweet, dear~ =3 Of course you can ARYLETTJOIN! And you can have ARYLETTJUMPERS and we can all Arylettdance~ Ahahaha, you can be the Royal Arylettjudge!
#tcod said:
16:43 < Arylett> I'm going now, this is useless. You guys are all a bunch of jerks, goddamn jerks. And I can't change you. And I don't care! AHAHAHA, I don't care. Keep being fucking jerks. Keep being in your goddamn little clique full of the COOL PEOPLE. And I will keep having ARYLETTFUN, because you know what? I don't give a goddamn FUCK what you think or if I annoy you. Goodbye now #tcod~
16:43 -!- Arylett [Arylettcha@rox-571E4475.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: ]

seemed relevant since this thread is what people think of people and all

last word lol
@Eevee: I thought whatever happens in #tcod stays in #tcod.

@Dezzuu: ...Two words. Arylett. Hooray.

@NWT: Read what Eevee quoted, it says much truth.
surskitty I love you whole heartedly and you're not the scariest mod!
uwaa~~ i love you too

Arylett, thanks: I am now so fucking confused you have NO IDEA no seriously I was sent logs and I'm still like "!? ... ... ... ???"
first by your original two posts
then by the talking bits of #tcod
then by your reaction

i mean dude what I don't get it :( WHAT JUST HAPPENED
@Eevee: I thought whatever happens in #tcod stays in #tcod.
I never said or upheld this

also, if it were a rule, I would say you shattered it quite thoroughly by barging in to throw a tantrum everywhere because two or three people were making fun of you somewhere you couldn't see it

you must have one hell of a fragile self-image there

ps if you didn't care you wouldn't have come in in the first place
I've cooled down a bit and thought about it.

And I just have to say... I'm sorry I exploded like that. I really am. That was just wrong of me. I just... it hurt my feelings when I was told that people were talking behind my back. It really did. And I just... I couldn't take it anymore. Please just listen to me for a minute, you guys. Don't think I'm out of my mind. I'm here to explain myself now.

To Dezzuu and Eevee: Just because you say that, doesn't help anything at all. You really think that just saying that is going to make anything better? I don't. What I did was... quite irrational. I understand this. I just sort of went ballistic. And what I did was probably not right. But I believe, as crazy as I went, I had a right to be at least somewhat hurt. I don't have a good self image, so what? A lot of us can't just take insults like that, not all of us have thick skin. I wasn't trying to annoy anyone, by being all Arylettopia, Arylettopia so on and so forth. I was just having a bit of fun. If annoys you, then fine. That's all right, I can't say it wouldn't annoy some people. But christ... I saw some of the things you said... and they were just... over the top. Hurtful. It's not right to talk about people behind their backs, because it always comes back to get you. And it did this time. And again, I apologize for my rash and poorly thought out actions. I was just tired... I was just tired of all the Cool People, teasing me and teasing my friends and laughing at all of us. I couldn't take it anymore. I exploded. And for that, I apologize sincerely. It was not right of me.

That's just what I wanted to say. Sneer if you'd like, think I'm crazy, retort back. But I won't argue with you any longer, because I am just finished.
But I believe, as crazy as I went, I had a right to be at least somewhat hurt. I don't have a good self image, so what? A lot of us can't just take insults like that, not all of us have thick skin.
that is why nobody said anything to you

But christ... I saw some of the things you said... and they were just... over the top. Hurtful.
that is why nobody said anything to you

It's not right to talk about people behind their backs, because it always comes back to get you. And it did this time.
wait wait what

what the fuck kind of moral lesson is this? you keep saying this like everyone should feel super-bad but I do. not. see. why. if the target is a friend then it's dishonest to complain to others, sure. but you are taking this kindergarten rule and broadening it to apply to everyone ever. I can only assume that you want to scramble atop some moral high ground and peer down upon the peons who dared to offend you, but sorry, that doesn't make any goddamn sense.

should I not criticize the President or other public figures behind their backs? what if some guy backed into my car today; is it just way too mean to complain about him without hunting him down first? am I supposed to just never complain about anyone at all, or is the implication that I should tell people they suck to their faces instead? boy that's a great way to go through life

I barely know you, I don't like you, and I will say whatever the hell I want about you to whoever the hell I want. there is no reason for me to do otherwise.

how about this instead: don't obsess over what people you hardly know say when you're not looking

this didn't bite anyone's ass but yours

I was just tired of all the Cool People, teasing me and teasing my friends and laughing at all of us. I couldn't take it anymore. I exploded.
if you care, change

if you don't care, don't care

pick one
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First things first: when I read that bit about "clique of the cool people" I got the sudden mental impression of a pot calling a kettle black.

As for #tcod being a bunch of jerks, yeah, they are. IRC is generally like that. I've been in worse channels. They even dissed IIMarckus - who I hold in high respect because he's among the best members of my own forum - but I digress. Cliques will be cliques, there's nothing to be done about that. I'm rather sure people talk about me behind my back. The difference is that I'm not the top poster (by over 1,000 posts, no less), I only have a handful of friends here, and I only make half a dozen or so posts in a day. You can't expect to make that large of a wave and go unnoticed.

To be honest, Arylett is probably one of my least favorite members here, and because I'm an evil bastard I mostly laughed my ass off at that #tcod incident (wish I could have been there to see all of it, had to clean kitchen > <). Truth be told, I really don't like many people here (the ones I do like are pretty much people from a different forum). I will admit right now that I have said things about people, some of them members of this very forum, behind said peoples' backs. It is not something that can be avoided. I say this because, really, I have naught to lose by admitting it. I'm not one of The Cool People™, I don't have a clique (unless a team of people working together with me on a cartoon counts, which I'm fairly sure it doesn't). I'm generally misanthropic, anyway (I got bitched at pretty badly for not caring about someone's death a few weeks ago).

The thing about the internet is that it is not for the faint of heart, even without 4chan and shock images. Kids on the internet do not behave any differently than kids in the real world, except perhaps even less mindful because of anonymity/pseudonymity.

Oh, and Eevee wins the day yet again.
if you care, change

if you don't care, don't care

pick one

Why should she have to change because of you and some other random people? If you don't like her, that's fine, but you don't have to go around and make fun of her. If she gets on your nerves, tell her - she may just tone down a little.

If you really have nothing better to do with your life other than to make fun of some random chick on the internet who you, as you said, don't know very well, then maybe you should take a stroll outside. This is just low and immature.
Why should she have to change because of you and some other random people? blah blah blah
this is why "if you don't care, don't care" was option 2

the point was that she shouldn't proclaim her apathy and then turn around and complain

if she doesn't care, she should just not care. if she really does put stock in what we think, then she should actually act that way too. right now she is saying she doesn't care and acting like she does.
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