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Zari Island RP

Solar replied. "Oh, you. Have you seen Weavile around here? I'm guessing she's in the village ruins somewhere..."
Sora repeated, "Hi. What do we do now?" She figured that visiting Solar at the moment wouldn't help Arylett, since another stranger would just overwhelm her. Combined with the fact that Solar was also different. There was one thing that Sora wondered.
Where were the rest of the people... er, Pokemon?
"I'm not the happiest person in the world right now," said Shiela. "Kabuto's been pretty annoying since we appeared here. The bonehead's still trying to get that berry."


"Not yet," said Seki. "The ruins are a good idea, though; she is probably still trying to do something. What, I do not know."
Silvia sighed and pulled herself together. There's no point moping over what's already happened. And that includes meeting a Raichu with wings. "Ok, now that we got the introduction over with, what are we going to do next? Arylett and I were planning to keep on going in," Silvia waved vaguely towards west, "that direction. But now that you're here... Want to join us? Or do you have a better idea of what's going on?"
Sora flew up and knocked the berry into Kabuto's mouth. "Have you introduced yourself to Solar? If you have, there's a small chance that he might attack you. A teensy chance."
She turned to Silvia. She was pointing west, while Solar was east. But that wasn't a problem. After all, Sora could fly. "I'll come with you."
...She supposed this whole thing wasn't that bad.


Okay fine, it was still freaky. Arylett still couldn't get over all this weirdness. How could anyone honestly expect her to? She was the type of person... Pokémon? Oh it didn't matter... the point was that she obsessed. Obsessed over the things that bothered her.

And certainly, all of this was bothering her immensely. It was just something... that she couldn't accept yet. Some time... that's what she needed.

"Eh... we-west... yea-yeah... there..." She added uselessly.
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As Tastebuds and Nub-Nub walked into the large room, they still stood in awe at the large number of Pokemon who were in the room, as there seemed to be about thousands of heads.
"So, amazed?" said Spoo. Tastebuds and Nub-Nub almost forgot that he's was their guide, and then turned to him and nodded.
"How did you get so many Pokemon here?" asked Tastebuds.
"Well, these are all refugees," Spoo said. "There are evil Pokemon onwards ahead."
Mysti decided to take a walk. "My legs are falling asleep, I need to run!" she said before running around in circles.
Bianca shook her head.
"It isn't hatching, I accidentally stepped on it. We think it's alive, but it probably isn't nearly ready to hatch."
She paused.
"What would happen if it hatches too early?"

Ki pick up the ocarina and looked at it, putting the leather cord around his neck.
Yuck, there's spit on it. And it isn't mine.
He washed it off in the lake and followed the Gardevoir and other Pokemon. He began playing a song on the ocarina. It made him think of trees for some reason, and not because he was in a forest.
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"Uhh...." So, Sora is going to go with them. Silvia is still a bit bothered by the fact that the Raichu had wings, but is slowly getting over it. "So... Is anyone else coming with us? Or are we set to go?"
((Ack! Missed... so... much....))

Kailani had had enough. Eavesdropping on a conversation between these pokemon was growing boring now, and he'd learned nothing out of the ordinary, snas the fact that they were also human-turned pokemon.

Thrown into my situation, though I doubt that they have my memory problem.

His mind made up, the garchomp burrowed out from underground.
Zora glanced at Bianca and grinned.
"Well then it'd seem like we'd have a baby Pokemon on our hands. Not too much of a problem."
"It is for me. I hate kids." Windfall muttered.
"Then explain how you're dating Jax."
"Shut it."
"Wouldn't it be sick if it hatches too early?"

Ki heard voices ahead of him, and ran towards them. The Gardevoir from before was in front of a pile of leaves, but he didn't notice the egg sitting there. He was about to step on it when Bianca suddenly grabbed his arm and threw him a few feet away. He yelped, surprised.
"What was that about?!"

Bianca stared at him.
"Since when can you talk?"
"Ah, you have a point..." Zora muttered, "But the problem is, what do we DO with it until it hatches if it hatches oh hi there Link."
"...Riiiiiight..." Darkness growled.
"Sure." Windfall groaned.
Ki snarled with frustration, still on the ground. Hearing the word Link again was the last straw.
"Shut up and stop calling me that!! Whoever Link is, he isn't me!!"
"I told you it wasn't him." Darkness mumbled, "Besides, if it were him he wouldn't talk."
"Yeah yeah. You're just jealous because I stayed sexy and you ended up with those weird things on the sides of your head." Zora retorted.
"I am not."
"Are too."
"Am not."
"Are too."
"SHUT UP BOTH OF YOU!!" Windfall snapped.
Mysti almost jumped in the lake, but stopped. "Aww, darn, did I have to turn into a Fire-type?!"
"Who the-"

Bianca interrupted, yelling bleep!!

"Is Link? Is he a friend or something? If he is, he's really unlucky."
Ki said, annoyed, and climbed up into a tree. He looked down at the others, arms folded.
"He's a character from a video game." Jax explained, "A game...that we play on boxes supplied by elecric tubes."
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