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Username Mafia [D2]

Re: Username Mafia [N2]

I don't really "get" the stamp, but doublevoter does make sense. Maybe the stamp is meant to indicate mayor? That's not a very helpful role, if true.
Re: Username Mafia [N2]

*Has info*

So I am a Tracker.
I targetted DarkAura last night, and she seemed to have visited Effercon.

Would you care to explain what you were doing, Aura?
Re: Username Mafia [N2]

Maybe (s)he's a mayor, but has double voter as a secondary role?

So, what now? We can't abstain (since she said we used our only abstain), so who should we lynch?
Re: Username Mafia [N2]

That does make it pretty obvious; we have no other leads at the very least. DarkAura unless you have a convincing alibi.
Re: Username Mafia [N2]

Bummer. The name makes it so obvious.

Oh well. Bye, DarkAura.
Re: Username Mafia [N2]

Oh, sorry, i think i was ninja'd in when i stated effercon might be mayor, and i didnt really pay attention anymore after that cause i was looking at MLP memes, X3

Ok, so i'm a Vig. I think there may be another one because my role PM said a vig.

Actually, i was targeting someone else, but my night actions must have been switched/ roleblocked. Althouhg, since you tracked me, then it was probably switched.

Re: Username Mafia [N2]

RKK-9, since RK-9 stands for the Pokemon Arcanine (R=Ar, K=Ca, 9=nine. Arcanine)

Arcanine are among one of th most ferocious pokemon on the world. Since this game is based off usernames, then i picked him. *shrugg*
But is your nickname not every bit as suspicious as his is?

And speaking of nicknames, I have a lot of trouble believing your nickname would imply vig. And every mafioso ever claims vig when their kill gets tracked. So, I'm not convinced.
There are two Variations to DarkAura, one in the RPs, and one not in an Rp yet.

My character Aura;

As you know in the RPs, Aura is a Celebi and Aqua's best friend. But what wasnt told in the RPs (and will likely be an RP in the future), she had been controlled by Aqua's superior and evil brother, Mewtwo. Possessed by this evil creature, she had become DarkAura.

Or so they thought. Even though she was controlled by Mewtwo, he could never break Aura's bond with Aqua. But if Mewtwo found this out, he would make sure Aura was permanetly controlled. So Aura played along. Mewtwo thought Aura was doing his dirty work, but Aura was actually helping Aqua by throwing all of Mewtwo's allies into a deserted island where they were never found. She was still controlled, however, but her eternal friendship for Aqua can break through the toughest of bonds.

^ that's the version not in the RP. this is the RP version vvv

Aura, being stuck in nowhere, has altered the present. Flygon has shown her what she would be like in the present that was controlled by Dusknoir. The altered-present Aura (We'll call her Aura 2) was very rebellious of the evil world.

Both versions specify that Aura isnt really a mafia.

The role you get has NOTHING TO DO WITH YOUR RP

It's based on your /username/
Not the rp
Something of an oversimplification, but, anyhow, I don't know what degree of involvment Mystic has with whatever RP is being referenced thereby, but I sure as hell wouldn't dig all the way through to figure out a role.

Then again, I'd probably have randomized mafiosi going, like in Gym Leader Choice Mafia. But that's just me.
I'm telling you ABOUT my username. Not the RP, the username. I'm saying the username was originated from the RP, but i am talking about te username!
I'm a bulletproof townie. Explains why I didn't die.

Maybe mafioso targetted Effercon?
I did target him. It might have been a bus driver.

Or a framer who framed me!
... What. I just don't even get how that claim is supposed to make any sense at all.

I'm sticking with my vote, thanks. (Although not-really-but-still in DA's defense, you can *sort of* frame a tracker by a hijacker or bus driver. But that involves actually moving the night action, and still getting the correct results.)
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