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Recent content by Angua

  1. Angua

    D/P/Pt The Pokétch is a Pocket Watch

    The Pokétch is a Pocket Watch My reasoning is this: "Pokémon" is a portmanteau of "Pocket Monsters", which means that the Pokétch is really a Pocket Watch rather than a Pocket Monsters Watch. Do you follow me?
  2. Angua

    Pokemon nicknames.

    *Gets DS* *Opens PC Box* In Diamond: Alphonse the STEELIX Edward the PICHU (FMA joke) Velosorapt the SNEASEL Theta Sigma the DIALGA Sweetsound the KRICKETUNE Frosttop the SNOVER Flametail the RAPIDASH Nate the UMBREON (named after a friend) Shockstar the LUXRAY Tsume the MACHAMP Strongarm the...
  3. Angua

    Favourite Possessions?

    Posessions? I'd list my Cats, but I genuinely think they own me. In no particular order (ignore the numbers): 1)a) My DS. Unquestionably. 1)b) My DS and GBA games. 2)a) My computer. 2)b) My computer games. 3)a) My many, many sketchbooks. 3)b) My many, many pencils. 3)c) The several empty books...
  4. Angua

    Three word story

    shoe. This caused
  5. Angua

    What do you think of...

    I'm a vegetarian, so I think I'd rather not have one. (Awesome signature, by the way. Just awesome. XD) Anorexia?
  6. Angua

    The LGBT Club

    Both genders are good; Freema is better. ...Sorry. You said you weren't in the mood. I've been having difficulty- Scratch that. I haven't been able to write lately. Or sprite. Or eat or sleep. When I joined, I had this huge post planned, but it came out as two incomprehensible paragraphs...
  7. Angua

    Objection! (Ace Attorney fan-club)

    *Joins* I've got the first two games, working through the second one. I'm upset at the lack of Edgeworth. Very upset. *Is a Phoenix/Miles shipper.* Max looks awesome, though. ^^
  8. Angua

    Moshi moshi!

    *Hugs very tightly.* Sam! Awesome, you finally joined! XD
  9. Angua

    Proof that Wolves CAN sprite

    Thank you, Murkrow. Now, Fire. In theory, an easy one.
  10. Angua

    Proof that Wolves CAN sprite

    Here's a Grass-Type Masquerade. Not quite sure of what to think of it myself.
  11. Angua

    What do you want to do as a job when you're older?

    I'm honestly not sure yet. Game design would be good, especially sprite-related game design, but I doubt I'll see that through. I've always been interested in Herpetology and Egyptology- I'm going to end up re-typing everything I put in my LJ yesterday. *Copypaste* I tend to be a bit...
  12. Angua

    Mewtwo/Mew army!

    (Was this inspired by the Mew Project, by any chance?) Need any help with this?
  13. Angua

    Photoshop help?

    You can edit the colours in the gradient effect by clicking "edit" and then clicking on the small tab beneath the join of two colours, then clicking on the actual colour. If you want one image to fade ON TOP of another, make it a seperate layer (by selecting it and hitting control+shift+J), then...
  14. Angua

    Proof that Wolves CAN sprite

    That's a lot of Types. Good job they're all on different Masquerades. XD I'm starting to get the hang of these re-types now.
  15. Angua

    The LGBT Club

    Oh, I forgot about this! >< I'm bisexual and I'm actually quite proud of it. I think my mother's starting to suspect I'm gay - I've been talking a lot about homosexuality and once asked if transseuxal operations can be MtF and FtM. She just looked terrified and said that she had no idea. I've...
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