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Latest activity

  • Namohysip
    Namohysip replied to the thread Tyrrier Reven Hollow.
    For the time being, Mhynt only listened quietly. It seemed this person would be their main person of interest for now. She glanced at...
  • Phoenixsong
    Phoenixsong replied to the thread Tyrrier Reven Hollow.
    He sure looked like he hadn't had any more trouble. Didn't see a lot of kidnap victims with perfectly crisp suits. "Glad to hear it!"...
  • Inkedust
    Inkedust replied to the thread Tyrrier Reven Hollow.
    The decorum of the place was simple. Basic wooden furnishings, bulbs of garlic, and the stuffed heads of wild cervid pokémon (hopefully...
  • canisaries
    canisaries replied to the thread Tyrrier Reven Hollow.
    Seir? Someone they knew? Come to think of it, the name did sound vaguely familiar... he must have been mentioned before. Andre was...
  • MintyMimix
    MintyMimix replied to the thread Tyrrier Reven Hollow.
    Ghaspius offered a wave to Seir. While he himself had no involvement with the battle, it was good to see someone the others recognized...
  • Tetra
    Tetra replied to the thread Tyrrier Reven Hollow.
    Seir. Koa was only mildly surprised to see the strange Ninetales, given the region they were in. He waved in greeting but decided not to...
  • MintyMimix
    MintyMimix reacted to Phoenixsong's post in the thread Tyrrier Reven Hollow with Quag Quag.
    For a second there, charging through the woods with the Dog Squad felt almost like home. Like running in the evenings with Rey bounding...
  • Butterfree
    Butterfree replied to the thread Tyrrier Reven Hollow.
    Seir? Dave had vaguely gathered something about a Ninetales by that name from Tyrrier from some of the others, but hell if he remembered...
  • Butterfree
    Butterfree reacted to Phoenixsong's post in the thread Tyrrier Reven Hollow with Quag Quag.
    For a second there, charging through the woods with the Dog Squad felt almost like home. Like running in the evenings with Rey bounding...
  • Inkedust
    Inkedust reacted to Phoenixsong's post in the thread Tyrrier Reven Hollow with Quag Quag.
    For a second there, charging through the woods with the Dog Squad felt almost like home. Like running in the evenings with Rey bounding...
  • Phoenixsong
    Phoenixsong replied to the thread Tyrrier Reven Hollow.
    For a second there, charging through the woods with the Dog Squad felt almost like home. Like running in the evenings with Rey bounding...
  • Namohysip
    Namohysip replied to the thread Tyrrier Reven Hollow.
    Mhynt offered a simple nod at the glance before taking a moment to study the patrons. Even if this wasn't necessarily going to be an act...
  • Kung Fu Ferret
    Friday Night Nicktoons back in...2002 or so? I used to look forward to them all week. Our family would sit down in front of the TV and...
  • Kung Fu Ferret
    Wanted to login to tcod to be nostalgic. might randomly change my avatar to a my little pony one I duno *shrug*
  • Kung Fu Ferret
    Just barely here cos I guess I am cool and stuff. i duno I am confused like, all the time xD
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