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  • Kinda need some advice here. Is it okay to post some anthro Pokemon art I drew on here? Because I know of the reputation anthro artwork has garnered thanks to certain people out there and I'm not sure how you or anyone else on here feel about it in general. It's SFW, in case you're wondering.
    Mewkitty (Mewitti as she‘s now known) isn’t Japanese, she’s American. What made you assume THAT?
    She lived in Japan back when she was running Mew's Hangout.
    “Clearly, most of the fifth generation legendaries will have big arms and small feet (look at Victini!), and in the sixth they will take over the world.”
    Keldeo has equal-sized feet, Meloetta has small arms and big feet, Genesect has somewhat equally sized arms and feet, Diancie has small arms and no legs, Confined Hoopa has small arms and no legs, Unbound Hoopa has small feet and many big arms, Volcanion pretty much only has feet, Magearna has small arms and big feet, Marshadow has small arms and big feet, Zeraora has big arms and feet, Meltan has small arms and no feet, Melmetal has big arms and small feet, Zarude has big arms and small feet and (spoilers!) Pecharunt from the Indigo Disk has small arms and no feet. So maybe your guess with Mewkitty (is she still your friend?) was a real tough break, honestly.

    P.S. Is Misdreavus still one of the cutest Pokémon in your opinion? for me, it’s kind of..
    Also, as another bonus, Fangcat really did predict Chien-Pao.
    The page this "theory" is from is located under "Humour" on the menu, and even has a note pointing that out at the top of it.
    I would appreciate it if, on the Favorite Pokémon Picker, Iron Treads and Great Tusk were spoilered.
    The reason why is because their existence could make players think there are more of them, which there are.
    Just a suggestion!
    And I do know that they appear before Area Zero
    Well, players will find out they exist, and draw whatever conclusions they would from that, at a pretty early point in the game, as well as from officially revealed pre-release material, so the cat's kind of out of the bag there... The official intention seems to have been to use them as an early teaser, all in all. I guess the reasoning for spoilering them would be for the sake of hypothetical players who avoided pre-release coverage and have not played the game at all yet but are still fine with seeing and sorting most new Pokémon?
    Hi Butterfree :smile: people are having problems uploading avatars! but i'm not, i'm using a Wii U browser abd those don't let me anyways, but other people aren't using one like me.
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    Apologies, it took me a while to find time to look into this properly. It looks like certain functionality wasn't upgraded properly when I updated the server a couple months ago and that's what was causing this. It should be fixed now.
    Mmm, that may be fun but it's not actually relevant to anything in the game! I'm reluctant to have something in the calculator that doesn't actually represent a real way the game behaves - the only reason I had a custom multiplier was that the actual multipliers were unknown at the time.

    If you just want to see what would happen with a hypothetical different formula with different multipliers, you can always simply create an Excel spreadsheet or the like where you can enter custom values into the formula given on the capture mechanics page.
    Arya going to make more Pokémon movie reviews or are those permanently finished? There's now way more movies including the lady Mewtwo movie, the one with Hoopa trying to be the Rock, the retelling of the first anime episode, the one with Tarzan, a retelling of the first movie, and one with a festival.
    My current project with the revivews is updating them to have better writing and contain some screenshots - I'm working on the Mewtwo Returns one right now, and should move on from there to Legend of Thunder and Origins. After that, though, yeah, I hope to finally move on to the thirteenth movie and onwards.
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    Hey Butterfree! I sent you an email at the beginning of the month regarding affiliation, I just wanted to check to see if you got it? I’m not sure if you’ve got a big backlog of emails to get to, or if my email never reached you. Should I send it again?
    Hey! I don't seem to have gotten your e-mail - searching, I only get the affiliation request from 2015. Looked in my spam folder as well and no sign of it. Maybe it didn't send, or went to the wrong address?
    Hmm, strange. I'm sure I spelled it correctly... anyway I've just sent another one, hopefully this one goes through. Thanks!
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