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Recent content by CJBlazer

  1. CJBlazer

    How did I lose something I never had? :( It just seems so unfair. I try and be a good person and...

    How did I lose something I never had? :( It just seems so unfair. I try and be a good person and what happens? My past gets brought up. I can't change the past. So why can't I change the future or the present...gawd...
  2. CJBlazer

    Do the conseqeunces have to be so extreme? I know I broke the rules but there is no way for me...

    Do the conseqeunces have to be so extreme? I know I broke the rules but there is no way for me to get a second chance? Its not that I hacked the site or anything....it was 8 + months ago.
  3. CJBlazer

    Not really. I just wish everyone knew I changed...

    Not really. I just wish everyone knew I changed...
  4. CJBlazer


  5. CJBlazer

    Mmk. :) Well, sorry for the lateness. Academics. XD

    Mmk. :) Well, sorry for the lateness. Academics. XD
  6. CJBlazer

    Hmm so Wiltshire is not near Shropshire?

    Hmm so Wiltshire is not near Shropshire?
  7. CJBlazer

    Hello again. :)

    Hello again. :)
  8. CJBlazer

    Your quite welcome. XD

    Your quite welcome. XD
  9. CJBlazer

    Alright. :) You are examing too? I am taking some exams myself. Culinary and Buisness Management...

    Alright. :) You are examing too? I am taking some exams myself. Culinary and Buisness Management exams are done now.
  10. CJBlazer

    Did that work per chance?

    Did that work per chance?
  11. CJBlazer

    hmm, thats weird.... let me add you to the group and see if that works.

    hmm, thats weird.... let me add you to the group and see if that works.
  12. CJBlazer

    Nothing much. recovering from a car hit.

    Nothing much. recovering from a car hit.
  13. CJBlazer

    http://forums.dragonflycave.com/group.php?do=discuss&group=&discussionid=1007 Check that. It'll...

    http://forums.dragonflycave.com/group.php?do=discuss&group=&discussionid=1007 Check that. It'll help.
  14. CJBlazer

    Hello Dragonheart.

    Hello Dragonheart.
  15. CJBlazer

    I am doing quite well. How about yourself?

    I am doing quite well. How about yourself?
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