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Recent content by Cresselia92

  1. Cresselia92

    Magna City Shining Congress – Side Halls

    Silver nodded slowly, satisfied with the answer. Yeah, okay, that definitely sounded like a Grass-type thing, and yet Hypno were anything but Grass-type. Were they talking about some regional variant, or— —oooor they were simply talking about another person altogether. Sheesh, that horse’s...
  2. Cresselia92

    Magna City Shining Congress – Side Halls

    Okay, things got very weird, awkward and concerning for a good minute, and with Spectrier’s response… well, that didn’t make things any less weird — if anything, it raised even more questions — but they made a little more sense. A Hypno who was far older than any run-of-the-mill Hypno, and a...
  3. Cresselia92

    Magna City Shining Congress – Side Halls

    And so the cops rangers left, much to Silver’s relief. He waved a goodbye at them and the retreating Laura, then followed the others into the garden. The warmth of the makeshift greenhouse and the dark shrubs reminded him of the walks he used to have in the Viridian Forest when he was a child...
  4. Cresselia92

    Magna City Shining Congress – Side Halls

    Silver listened intently to the ongoing conversation, partially grateful that his teammates had asked the questions he was curious about. Weasel-y whistles resonated in his throat as he admired the fancy surroundings, but that inner calm was disrupted by the new ‘mons. Even if that statement...
  5. Cresselia92

    Magna City Shining Congress – Side Halls

    Ugh, so much for trying to sneak around the place and uncover some dirt undisturbed! Well, at least the whole ‘these snobs bore us to death, give us some silence!’ assumption worked fairly well as an explanation, and in Silver’s case it was partially true, too. Hence, he simply nodded and...
  6. Cresselia92

    Magna City Shining Congress – Side Halls

    So it was really a ghost! A big, ghostly horse with a fairly timid disposition. And that wispy mane… didn’t Matsuba say something about a ghost horse who could kick people into the world of the dead? The incarnation of the blood moon? Except that the mane was supposed to be red…? Well, whatever...
  7. Cresselia92

    Magna City Shining Congress – Side Halls

    That rapid chill didn’t go unnoticed to Silver, his head-feather twitching. He looked behind the group with the corner of his eye, but he didn’t really see anything. But he could tell that there was something, or someone, nearby. A Ghost-type, maybe? Oh, if only he wasn’t a mountain Sneasel...
  8. Cresselia92

    Magna City Shining Congress – Side Halls

    After finishing his tea and leaving the cup on a random table, Silver walked into the hall with total nonchalance, a poker face plastered on his face. As he reunited with the others, he got some time to think about the whole deal with Ralsen. Perhaps he should have showed more disdain or...
  9. Cresselia92

    Magna City Shining Congress – Main Lobby

    Carrying a cup of freshly brewed nightshade tea in his claws, Silver wandered toward one of the quieter perimeters, while paying attention to the chattering guests. He didn’t pick anything that he considered interesting or worthy of note, but as soon as he got through the crowd, he noticed a...
  10. Cresselia92

    Magna City Shining Congress – Main Lobby

    Silver internally flinched when the various gazes of the other patrons trained on them. Pokémon of all sizes and kinds, staring and chattering with various levels of curiosity. So many people in the same room… no, too many people in the same room. It’s been only a few seconds, and yet the entire...
  11. Cresselia92

    Novelux Copperridge Wharf

    As per usual, with the lower temperature his body had quickly adapted to the cold and Silver donned his, well, silver pelt. But that wasn’t the only change in his appearance, as he had ditched his old poncho to wear a black jinbei with red trims. People might have considered strange wearing some...
  12. Cresselia92

    Frontier Town Main Street
    Threadmarks: [Ch08] In Tatters (Silver Solo)

    Witch’s hour had fallen in Frontier Town by the time Silver returned from the secret hideout and his final meeting with Giovanni. With his muscles still aching from the fight with Alexander and his mind atwitter from the rapid succession of events, it was mostly through sheer willpower that...
  13. Cresselia92

    Mewtwo's Lair

    Giovanni was gone from his life. Again. That was a good thing; it had to be. No more stress, no more fretting, only sheer relief. So why was he feeling so hollow so suddenly? Was it because of lack of proper closure or something else entirely? Heck if he understood his own locked heart...
  14. Cresselia92

    Mewtwo's Lair

    Silver didn’t know what else he was expecting out of Giovanni, but there was a vague comfort in getting a straightforward response from someone extremely logic-oriented. And even though that wasn’t the answer he wanted to hear, it sure was the answer he needed to hear. Such a pity they only had...
  15. Cresselia92

    Mewtwo's Lair

    Silver felt a jolt of unease traveling along his spine, and the temperature of the hideout instantly dropped to glacial levels. Right. He wanted to talk about that thing, but would the already limited time be enough? Also, other people were there, in the same place, listening. N-No, I… I can’t...
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