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Recent content by Dave Strider

  1. Dave Strider

    The Absence Sheet

    I'll be off for a week or so because of computer problems.
  2. Dave Strider

    Cruel Mode Mafia [INDEPENDENT WIN]

    Re: Cruel Mode Mafia [DAY 4] Whivit.
  3. Dave Strider

    Dave Stryder vs. Big Red Cherry Bomb (ref: Squornshellous Beta)

    Okay, start off with Toxic on the first action, then use Psychic for the next two actions. If he uses Substitute on the first action, then use Zen Headbutt. If on the second action he's not poisoned but doesn't have a Sub up, use Toxic again, same for the third action. If he uses Protect at any...
  4. Dave Strider

    Hyde vs. Dave Stryder (ref: Squornshellous Beta)

    Well, it's pretty obvious that we won't survive here, with such low energy, so Draco Meteor x3. Draco Meteor x3
  5. Dave Strider

    Hyde vs. Dave Stryder (ref: Squornshellous Beta)

    Rollout 'till you miss, then Sandstorm, and if you have a free action on the last turn, Stone Edge. Rollout ~ Rollout/Sandstorm ~ Rollout/Sandstorm/Stone Edge
  6. Dave Strider

    Hoorah, homestuck! :D TG: rose is crazy jades crazier and youre TG: well youre you

    Hoorah, homestuck! :D TG: rose is crazy jades crazier and youre TG: well youre you
  7. Dave Strider

    Hyde vs. Dave Stryder (ref: Squornshellous Beta)

    :/ Well, if we can't use Protect, then use a 10% Substitute. After that, use Rollout for both actions. If his Sub breaks though, use Sandstorm. Substitute (10%) ~ Rollout ~ Rollout/Sandstorm
  8. Dave Strider

    Dave Stryder vs. Big Red Cherry Bomb (ref: Squornshellous Beta)

    Okay, we need that barrier to be up, so Dig down on the first action. Come up and hit Jacob on the second, then on the third use Zen Headbutt Dig ~ Dig (resurface and hit) ~ Zen Headbutt
  9. Dave Strider

    Hyde vs. Dave Stryder (ref: Squornshellous Beta)

    Use Toxic until it works, when it does, just spam Dragonbreath for the rest of the round. If you end up in the water, do your best to just Chill. Toxic/Chill ~ Toxic/Dragonbreath/Chill ~ Toxic/Dragonbreath/Chill
  10. Dave Strider

    Dave Stryder vs. Big Red Cherry Bomb (ref: Squornshellous Beta)

    I'll start with Medium. Start with Light Screen, followed by Toxic, and finish with Psychic. If he uses Protect, Chill or Mirror Coat, use Calm Mind. If he tries to use a status move on you, use Magic Coat. Light Screen/Calm Mind/Magic Coat ~ Toxic/Calm Mind/Magic Coat ~ Psychic/Calm...
  11. Dave Strider

    Cruel Mode Mafia [INDEPENDENT WIN]

    Re: Cruel Mode Mafia [DAY 3] She killed me for being inactive, which I have not been. I don't really have much info further than that though, nothing particularly useful anyways.
  12. Dave Strider

    The Challenge Board

    Looks like fun. Profile
  13. Dave Strider

    Hyde vs. Dave Stryder (ref: Squornshellous Beta)

    Hoorah for full health! Use Toxic first, if Mal protects though, use Defence Curl. After that, Stone Edge for the next two actions if you used Toxic, but use Rollout for two actions if you used Defence Curl. If she uses Protect on either action 2 or 3, use Chill. Toxic/Defence Curl ~ Stone...
  14. Dave Strider

    Hyde vs. Dave Stryder (ref: Squornshellous Beta)

    :/ Just use Rest. Rest ~ Asleep ~ Asleep
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