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Recent content by feh the owl

  1. feh the owl

    knives alley hydra mafia

    sande MVP tbqh that's my hydra partner i should probably switch back to my main acc but i'm lazy
  2. feh the owl

    knives alley hydra mafia

    sande carried my ass let's gooooooo
  3. feh the owl

    knives alley hydra mafia

  4. feh the owl

    knives alley hydra mafia

  5. feh the owl

    knives alley hydra mafia

    did we not actually vote yet... stryke before i forget
  6. feh the owl

    knives alley hydra mafia

    promise :) anyhow this might be DADV in which case we are kinda screwed but i feel like it could be a hit? i don't knowwwww i think staying the course is better here though anyhow hopefully it's a hit, if it's not we might be dead in the night
  7. feh the owl

    knives alley hydra mafia

    me, clinging to your ankle: promise me... promise me you're not mafia...
  8. feh the owl

    knives alley hydra mafia

  9. feh the owl

    knives alley hydra mafia

    noooo sande don't tinfoil on me this late in the game
  10. feh the owl

    knives alley hydra mafia

    (paranoia aside i think mera has been very towny? ofc i think i'm town, blah blah, etc, i just. even if stryke is mafia, there has to be at least one other wolf out there, right? there's no way that rari would make this game with just two? and who else does that leave...)
  11. feh the owl

    knives alley hydra mafia

    hi what if we cannot, actually, trust this hydra (us) and the reason that the action is double headed is so that neither faction actually has 100% control of the roleblock -- sande
  12. feh the owl

    knives alley hydra mafia

    sounds pretty good imo wait actually do we have proof you used your ability on qenya because if you did i think that's a good look for you also that means RSP hydra and/or stryke is a good target today
  13. feh the owl

    knives alley hydra mafia

    no if you add anything that makes it a melt, not a grilled cheese uhhhh i don't really know because instinctively i still think skylar and Maybe mewt are mafia but i'm now also suspicious of herbe bc (looks at smudged writing on hand) mofia neighmorizie? but i also know that while i'm most...
  14. feh the owl

    knives alley hydra mafia

  15. feh the owl

    knives alley hydra mafia

    panicked noise did i oversleep and day end
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