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Recent content by Flareth

  1. Flareth

    The Return III

    CAAAASTFORM HIIIII~~~ Welcome back!
  2. Flareth

    Song Choice Mafia 8 - Revival

    Okay, let's go with a song many of you will have never heard of! Shine- The Northern Hues (Lyrics (Scroll down))
  3. Flareth

    Totodile vs. Flareth

    Good job, Vidar! Okay, use Worry Seed, to get rid of that awful Protean. If she Protects, use Light Screen, and if she taunts, use Giga Drain. Now, next turn, if Worry Seed failed, use it again, but if she uses Protect, use Reflect , and if you've been taunted or tormented, use Leaf Blade. Now...
  4. Flareth

    Flareth vs RespectTheBlade

    Well, Nigel, sorry, you are totally boned. Sorry bro. But let's go out with a bang. Use Swagger, to confuse this aggravating dino. Then, if she looks completely bewildered and starts like.....attacking herself and junk, use Chill. Otherwise, use Shadow Ball. For this third action, if she still...
  5. Flareth

    Totodile vs. Flareth

    Okay, let's get rid of that Substitute, use Snatch! Now, just Chill for a bit. Hopefully Acrobatics has busted your substitute. Why you may ask? If the sub is bust, use Mirror Coat, considering that with Protean it'll have STAB, plus the SEness, mirror coat could prove to be very powerful. Just...
  6. Flareth

    Congrats on the win. Good game.

    Congrats on the win. Good game.
  7. Flareth

    [15] Eifie vs Flareth (ref: blazheirio889)

    Okay, we're as good as toast. Probably. Maybe. Okay, we should first put up a Substitute but as you are doing so, put your berry down. Maybe bury it or something. You won't need it. Next up.....you see that berry on the other side, VM's berry lying sad on the floor, we're gonna Covet that...
  8. Flareth

    Totodile vs. Flareth

    Alright, you're mad aren't ya, so use Frustration against that Sub, but if they use Protect or a similar move, put up a Light Screen. Then, let's get rid of that annoying ability with Gastro Acid, but if they Protect against it, use Calm Mind, and if the Sub isn't faded, use Frustration again...
  9. Flareth

    [15] Eifie vs Flareth (ref: blazheirio889)

    Nah, my moves are good, yeah. Feel free to command, Eifie.
  10. Flareth

    Flareth vs RespectTheBlade

    Okay, okay, that screwed us up. Okay, Deneb will need to rest too. But we need to fix her from attacking us so much. Make a Substitute, a small one will do fine, since you're very weak. Finally, Chill 2 times Substitute (10%) ~ Chill ~ Chill
  11. Flareth

    [15] Eifie vs Flareth (ref: blazheirio889)

    ehhh yeah I'll recommand.... Okay, Affy, if you're still asleep during your turns, just keep using Sleep Talk. But if you awake, use Moonblast. If VM protects or does any of those types of shenanigans at any point when you are awake, just use Calm Mind. Don't wanna overstep our chill...
  12. Flareth

    Flareth vs RespectTheBlade

    Well crud what do I do now. Screw it, just use Chill x3. Since, you know, we should be safe against Normal-type moves. The immunity and all. But just.....keep focused, alright? Chill ~ Chill ~ Chill
  13. Flareth

    [15] Eifie vs Flareth (ref: blazheirio889)

    Okay, Affy, if you're still asleep during your turns, just keep using Sleep Talk. But if you awake, use Moonblast. If VM protects or does any of those types of shenanigans at any point when you are awake, just Chill. Sleep Talk/Moonblast/Chill ~ Sleep Talk/Moonblast/Chill ~ Sleep...
  14. Flareth

    Totodile vs. Flareth

    Hm, this could be problematic. But I have a plan. Use Torment. I know she has a Sub, but I did my research on this. You'll still probably get bounced on once, but Korra is not prepared for this. Now, we need to get some of that health back, so use Leech Seed. After that, use Giga Drain to get...
  15. Flareth

    [15] Eifie vs Flareth (ref: blazheirio889)

    Well, I guess, Chill as well, but not sure if you can do that while sleeping, so in case you can't, use Sleep Talk. For these next two turns, use Hidden Power, unless you are asleep, in this case, use Sleep Talk. Chill / Sleep Talk ~ Hidden Power / Sleep Talk ~ Hidden Power / Sleep Talk
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