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Inkedust's latest activity

  • Inkedust
    Inkedust replied to the thread Frontier Town Sun Stone Saloon.
    "Not at all," Bellatrix admitted. "But whoever he was, he must've been important enough to warrant a whole search and rescue." The dark...
  • Inkedust
    Inkedust reacted to Phoenixsong's post in the thread Tyrrier Cornèbre Forest with Mewlulz Mewlulz.
    They were... Vanguard? Yeah? The guys who didn't like the— oh. Right. Riiiiight. Okay. (Too many messes to keep track of in this place.)...
  • Inkedust
    Inkedust replied to the thread Tyrrier Cornèbre Forest.
    The shadowy Owen would find that while it was possible to disarm the traps, they were highly volatile and would activate at the...
  • Inkedust
    Inkedust replied to the thread Tyrrier Cornèbre Forest.
    The murkrow didn't appear to be bothered by the strange noise. Some just tilted their heads at it, while others saw it as another noise...
  • Inkedust
    Inkedust replied to the thread Tyrrier Cornèbre Forest.
    Garnet buzzed with excitement at the sight of the void charizard. "So it's true then!" she admired. "My! You Wayfarers get more...
  • Inkedust
    Inkedust replied to the thread Frontier Town Sun Stone Saloon.
    "Anything's possible, really," Bellatrix replied with another shrug. She supposed the Covenant theory would make sense if the murkrow...
  • Inkedust
    Inkedust added a threadmark to your Post in thread 'Cornèbre Forest'
  • Inkedust
    Inkedust replied to the thread Tyrrier Cornèbre Forest.
    Bellatrix poked at a piece of splintered wood with a clawtip, her eyes narrowing in thought. This was rather new, wasn't it? Between the...
  • Inkedust
    Coniferous trees towered over any pokémon who wished to reach Tyrrier's northern border. Cold air from Malantau brought thick fog and...
  • Inkedust
    Inkedust replied to the thread Frontier Town Sun Stone Saloon.
    Bellatrix watched Koa mull over her thoughts, a curious glint in her eye. The zoroark seemed to consider his answer carefully but she...
  • Inkedust
    Inkedust reacted to Sinderella's post in the thread Magna City Congressional Roundtable with Mewlulz Mewlulz.
    The sight of the glyphs left Odette mentally T-posing for a long period of time as she wracked her brain for something that she might...
  • Inkedust
    Inkedust replied to the thread Wayfarer Comms.
    The meeting at the roundtable appears to be drawing close to an end. A select number of us will be going to Tyrrier to investigate the...
  • Inkedust
    Bellatrix's ears flicked towards Saffron's comment regarding knighthood. Although there were more important things to consider at the...
  • Inkedust
    Inkedust replied to the thread Frontier Town Sun Stone Saloon.
    "There's only so much that can be done," Bellatrix replied mildly. She watched Koa, considering the question through the angle of...
  • Inkedust
    Bellatrix looked over Steven's shoulder (did metang even have those?) to scan the photographs herself. Something about those markings...
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