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Recent content by Inkedust

  1. Inkedust

    Frontier Town Sun Stone Saloon

    "Not at all," Bellatrix admitted. "But whoever he was, he must've been important enough to warrant a whole search and rescue." The dark wisps began manifesting on her claws as she tapped her chin. "Declared dead after a week or two when the conditions became too harsh to continue searching in...
  2. Inkedust

    Tyrrier Cornèbre Forest

    The shadowy Owen would find that while it was possible to disarm the traps, they were highly volatile and would activate at the slightest hair trigger. Disabling them stealthily and successfully would take time but he would have a chance if the Wayfarers could keep the kleavor talking and if he...
  3. Inkedust

    Tyrrier Cornèbre Forest

    The murkrow didn't appear to be bothered by the strange noise. Some just tilted their heads at it, while others saw it as another noise to mimic. Maybe they had just enough time to get used to the perpetrator's presence? From their vantage points, Owen, Laura, and Ralsen would realise that the...
  4. Inkedust

    Tyrrier Cornèbre Forest

    Garnet buzzed with excitement at the sight of the void charizard. "So it's true then!" she admired. "My! You Wayfarers get more interesting at every turn." Meanwhile, investigating the gashes and glyphs, it was apparent that whatever made the dents in the trees was axe-like, though at this...
  5. Inkedust

    Frontier Town Sun Stone Saloon

    "Anything's possible, really," Bellatrix replied with another shrug. She supposed the Covenant theory would make sense if the murkrow were being sent out to keep an eye out on the Wayfarers in a subtle way, although weren't the murkrow spread across the continent months before their arrival...
  6. Inkedust

    Tyrrier Cornèbre Forest
    Threadmarks: Ch08: The Light of Tyrrier Part 1 – The Monster in the Woods

    Bellatrix poked at a piece of splintered wood with a clawtip, her eyes narrowing in thought. This was rather new, wasn't it? Between the tabloids and the Covenant, she was confident that she would've heard something about it by now. "Do you think that these were made by the same thing that...
  7. Inkedust

    Tyrrier Cornèbre Forest

    Coniferous trees towered over any pokémon who wished to reach Tyrrier's northern border. Cold air from Malantau brought thick fog and overcast days that threatened heavy rain with a perennial scent. It made it difficult for light to reach the forest floor, even when the day was at its brightest...
  8. Inkedust

    Frontier Town Sun Stone Saloon

    Bellatrix watched Koa mull over her thoughts, a curious glint in her eye. The zoroark seemed to consider his answer carefully but she gave no further response. The electrike's hasty pivot seemed to have told her enough. "All that is true, yes," she began regarding the murkrow, "however, there...
  9. Inkedust

    Wayfarer Comms

    The meeting at the roundtable appears to be drawing close to an end. A select number of us will be going to Tyrrier to investigate the oddities there but one of the Covenant officials has said something interesting. Apparently, one of the branches, Philosophy, has been trying to synthesise...
  10. Inkedust

    Magna City Congressional Roundtable

    Bellatrix's ears flicked towards Saffron's comment regarding knighthood. Although there were more important things to consider at the moment, she couldn't help but note her immediate draw to the idea. Another echo of the past, perhaps? She nodded at Tawenna. "Yes, I can imagine," she replied...
  11. Inkedust

    Frontier Town Sun Stone Saloon

    "There's only so much that can be done," Bellatrix replied mildly. She watched Koa, considering the question through the angle of thought experiment. "You could work to change the system but can do you do if those running the system refuse to change? You could refuse service to them if you have...
  12. Inkedust

    Magna City Congressional Roundtable

    Bellatrix looked over Steven's shoulder (did metang even have those?) to scan the photographs herself. Something about those markings were familiar, like she had definitely seen something like it before, but she couldn't put a finger on it. Maybe if she could get a better look once they were in...
  13. Inkedust

    Frontier Town Sun Stone Saloon

    Bellatrix waved the comment off, taking no offence to it. "Ah yes, he was from Tyrrier, wasn't he?" she proceeded to ask. "He would of had to have returned there by now. Convenient, as I believe that a visit to the country is in order after the recent dungeon activity there." She seemed to have...
  14. Inkedust

    Magna City Congressional Roundtable

    Bellatrix leaned forward in her seat and clasped her paws in front of her muzzle. "The murkrow have been a persistent oddity not just in Tyrrier but across swaths of Luctemar," she said. "After much thought, I believe that there has to be a honchkrow involved in it somehow as wildren murkrow do...
  15. Inkedust

    Magna City Congressional Roundtable

    "Now, now, I never said there was anything wrong with that," Garnet said with a dismissive wave of her pincer. "Nor do I wish to imply that your pokémon members are less capable than you or I." Though the scizor could've been speaking the truth, the hastiness of the comment almost certainly gave...
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