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Recent content by Mew.Mayhem

  1. Mew.Mayhem

    Dragon World: Souls of Destiny

    "Agreed. So much more pleasant." Rika said quietly as she looked around the castle, taking in the history that surely was imbeded in the very fabric of the stones in the castle. "And yes, Cisele, I understand as much. Personally I believe that you would make a better leader than your friend. If...
  2. Mew.Mayhem

    Dragon World: Souls of Destiny

    Arriving at the stronghold, Rika was a bit uninterested by everything that was happening. Looking at Aoryu as he spoke she sensed that he would be a good leader, but not someone to mess with. "Alright, commander, you've got my respect. Rika's the name." she said as she looked around the castle...
  3. Mew.Mayhem

    Dragon World: Souls of Destiny

    Rika stood a few seconds after Hanabi and grabbed hold of Cisele so that she could be transported as well. "Evil enough is an understatement..." Rika mummbled as she began to feel the pure evil that was radiating from around the castle. [yay its back! (:]
  4. Mew.Mayhem

    Dragon World: Souls of Destiny

    ((What happened?! I left for a day or two and the thread went dead. :[)) "Yes, I suppose we all do have our special talents." Rika said as she continued to mess around with the fire she held in her hands. Making it into one ball she began to toss it back and forth between her hands as she...
  5. Mew.Mayhem

    Dragon World: Souls of Destiny

    (I've got writer's block too; But luckily for us niichan made up a fight so we dont have to do much right now ^^ yay! **extreme sarcasm**) "Probably not anytime soon anyway.." Rika said as she watched Hanabi go down to look up at the sky. "And I suppose that must be your natural talent...
  6. Mew.Mayhem

    Dragon World: Souls of Destiny

    "Nice to meet you as well...or meet you properly rather. I met you earlier when you gave us a ride." Rika said as she watched Hanabi continue to mess with energy she had formed in her hands. She looked down at her hand and then back to Hanabi. "That's interesting.. the energy I mean. How'd you...
  7. Mew.Mayhem

    Dragon World: Souls of Destiny

    "I do believe your right, Hanabi." Rika said as she sat down beside Hanabi on the moss. "What do you think their deal is? I can't help but wonder what started this bad blood." She said quietly as she untied the Bow and arrows from her back and sat them back on the ground, far enough away to not...
  8. Mew.Mayhem

    Dragon World: Souls of Destiny

    Rika looked back towards Cisele. Putting her arrows back into the bag and throwing it over her shoulder she listened to everyone talk about evil and power. 'Cisele's offering us.....power? I......want to be....powerful.' Rika thought as she walked towards where Ken, Jessica and Cisele stood...
  9. Mew.Mayhem

    Dragon World: Souls of Destiny

    "I can see that." she said as she watched Ken kiss Hanabi and then dash back off to fight the wolves that were, as of a few seconds ago, knocked down for the count. "I don't think you'll have much trouble with them now, but when you do beat them to a pulp bring back my arrows would you?" she...
  10. Mew.Mayhem

    Dragon World: Souls of Destiny

    She whispered a quiet thank you to Hanabi as she continued to shoot off arrow after arrow at the wolves, all of which caught fire just as they began to fly. She shot at least two more wolves and the other was already being taken care of so there was no way she could have possibly hit that one...
  11. Mew.Mayhem

    Dragon World: Souls of Destiny

    Rika looked around as the fight began around her. She quietly readied an arrow and pointed it at Aoryu but just when she thought she could get a shot in, Kilik got in the way, attempting to take Aoryu by surprise. Turning to see that a fight with the wolves had also begun she watched as Ken was...
  12. Mew.Mayhem

    Dragon World: Souls of Destiny

    Rika sighed. "I don't like the odds of a battle with wolves but I suppose if we have to..." Her voice trailed off as she pulled out her bow and readyed about 5 arrows. Looking over to Tai she half whispered, "Whenever your ready give me word and I'll shoot as a distraction." 'I have the feeling...
  13. Mew.Mayhem

    Dragon World: Souls of Destiny

    (I was just thinking about how this might help your little 'no weapons' thing. Sorry for not posting much; my computers been down for a long time. If someone needs me to do soemthing and I'm not on I give Tai-niichan control of Rika. I'll be on to post as soon as I can.) Rika looked around and...
  14. Mew.Mayhem

    Hey; Sorry I haven't been on AIM. My computer's really messed up. It won't work right so I...

    Hey; Sorry I haven't been on AIM. My computer's really messed up. It won't work right so I figured I'd message you. Miss Ya Much<333 <3 Mew.Mayhem
  15. Mew.Mayhem

    Dragon World: Souls of Destiny

    "Well this is....different." Rika said aloud as she stood up and noticed, at last, her new clothes. They were much like the old ones but they had changed colors. She realized at once that she was carrying something on her back, something heavy. Setting it down she saw that it was a long bow and...
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