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Hello. I'm Ninetales. Call me Rhen, though. No, it's not my real name, although I wish it was. Anyway, um, I like Xiaolin Showdown. Nuff said.

Oh my goodness. Xiaolin Showdown, Pokemon, fanfiction, internet, myself. XD
Feb 5, 1998 (Age: 26)
Mobile, Alabama! Woo!
Work? Me? Ha! Ha! Hahahahahahaha!
Avatar Credit
Synthy from www.weasyl.com


The Curse of the Ninetales:
There once lived a Pokémon by the name of Ninetales. Now, Ninetales had many tails, all of them imbued with psychic power. It was said that anyone so foolish as to touch a tail would be cursed for a thousand years.
But there was someone so foolish as to grab a tail. And it was a human. As one might expect, the human that grabbed the tail was subjected to a thousand-year curse. However, just as the curse was cast, a Pokémon named Gardevoir shielded the human, sacrificing herself to absorb the curse.
Taking pity on Gardevoir, Ninetales asked the human this, "Do you wish to save Gardevoir?"
But the human had already abandoned Gardevoir and fled.
Ninetales became disillusioned with the human, and she made this prediction...
"That human will one day be reborn as a Pokémon. And when the human becomes a Pokémon, the world's balance will be upset..."
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