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i like waffles

waffle world, population: 1
this is classified XD


(>'.')> Copy Kirby into your Sig to help with Kirby World Domination! <('.'<)

Expect more to come each day!

Deoxys Giratina-origin Shaymin-sky Darkrai Shaymin Mew Mewtwo ArceusMagikarp Togekiss Shuckle Yanmega Palkia Bibarel Rotom Groudon Dragonite Riolu Luxio Bulbasaur Golem Scyther Lucario Scizor Giratina Omanyte Salamence Heracross Blaziken Zapdos Walrein Azelf Murkrow Dialga Rampardos Shieldon Garchomp Gible Mantine Gorebyss Luxray Abomasnow Dragonair Zangoose Shinx



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