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Recent content by Strife89

  1. Strife89

    In Progress Brendan Namron: Ace Attorney (Cases 1 through 3; 4 in progress)

    Re: Brendan Namron: Ace Attorney (Cases 1 and 2; links to read 3) Just bumping this thread to say that I'm not dead - and, somehow, neither is the fic. I finished Case 3 a couple of days ago (on July 2, 2017 to be specific). If anyone wants to read it, it's on Google Docs and fanfiction.net
  2. Strife89

    Club Nintendo shutting down

    The February rewards are up (although the site is down "for maintenance" as I type this), and Nintendo has certainly delivered! Over 100 games (most Virtual Console, but a few are downloadable retail games) and a decent selection of physical goodies to drop your Coins/Stars on.
  3. Strife89

    Club Nintendo shutting down

    European members can now get a physical copy of the A Link Between Worlds soundtrack.
  4. Strife89

    Club Nintendo shutting down

    Nintendo reports it'll be offering a bunch of physical rewards and downloadable games in February (at least for U.S. members, but presumably worldwide). So hang on to those Coins/Stars for a bit.
  5. Strife89

    What Games Are You Playing?

    I am sloooowly working on Omega Ruby, but I have a huge plethora of games that I'm juggling and will probably take ages to finish. So I'll just point to my Backloggery status in my signature.
  6. Strife89

    Super Smash Bros 4

    I ended up buying both versions, so I'm all registered for Mewtwo and the soundtrack deal. I originally got just the 3DS version, as I didn't have a Wii U in 2014 - but decided to purchase the Wii U version with some gift cards received for Christmas, and make it my goal to save for the console...
  7. Strife89

    In Progress Brendan Namron: Ace Attorney (Cases 1 through 3; 4 in progress)

    Re: Brendan Namron: Ace Attorney (Cases 1 and 2; links to read 3) I'd like to talk with the forum members for a bit about parental trust. I'm closing in on the end of Case 3, which naturally means that Case 4 is around the metaphorical corner. I haven't even started working on the particulars...
  8. Strife89

    In Progress Brendan Namron: Ace Attorney (Cases 1 through 3; 4 in progress)

    Brendan Namron: Ace Attorney (Google Docs links for all cases) Google Docs copies of all of the work thus far. Cases 3 and 4 will be "published" there and on fanfiction.net. I plan on going back to the interactive script format for 4, so if there's enough interest (and I have enough written)...
  9. Strife89

    Behind the Avatar, Redux

    It's-a me!
  10. Strife89

    For those wondering: I'm around, but I mostly hang on IRC these days.

    For those wondering: I'm around, but I mostly hang on IRC these days.
  11. Strife89

    Let's Play Pokémon: Black Version! (56k warning!)

    Chapter 04 -- Speeeeding Things Up Alright, I know nobody likes a slowpoke, but I couldn't resist wailing on the early exposition. ONWARDS! Yeah, well, it has good reason to be. Wait Bianca what are you doing Dammit now she's going to find the "mess" we made in bed Yes but...
  12. Strife89

    Let's Play Pokémon: Black Version! (56k warning!)

    Chapter 03 -- Homewreckers Darn, I thought more people would be responding to part 2 after that impressive Part 1 response. Oh well. Home sweet home. :) "I heard from Professor Juniper. We can have a Pokémon?" Yeah, something about some super-rodent or some other critter. I dunno, but...
  13. Strife89

    Let's Play Pokémon: Black Version! (56k warning!)

    Chapter 02 -- The Interview Text in quotes and in italics is a continuation of dialogue from the previous screenshot. Adventure music! "Welcome to the world of Pokémon!" "My name is Professor Juniper. Everyone calls me the Pokémon Professor!" Umm, Professor? You dropped your -- OWWW MY...
  14. Strife89

    Let's Play Pokémon: Black Version! (56k warning!)

    Chapter 01 -- It all begins here! 16 years of Pokemon, with no end in sight. Shiny! :love: Where'd the shiny go? Give me back my shiny, you Freaks! Wait, what's this? Some sort of castle? A crowning ceremony. Definitely a castle. I'd say this ceremony is gonna get straight...
  15. Strife89

    Let's Play Pokémon: Black Version! (56k warning!)

    Let's Play Pokémon: Black Version! (56k warning!) So, I've been reading entries on the Let's Play Archive and decided I wanted to give it a try - and what better first game for a screenshot LP on TCoD than a Pokemon game? This LP might take a looooong time to finish, because of my computer's...
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