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Recent content by Umberto Eco

  1. U


    (At this point, the Poni try to overthrow you and stop worshiping you. You can pay $2 for a prophet that will convince the Poni to make two more sacrifices, or you can simply quit.) The Poni are grumbling amongst themselves. "Alraune has already demanded six Pokemon as tribute! At this rate, we...
  2. U

    The Bank (2.0)

    $4 from Absoul
  3. U


    [No, tributes can only be Pokemon. I might change that in the future, though.] "Burmy. Absoul demands just one Burmy!" The Poni feel confident that you will be satisfied with: Burmy(F)Burmy(M)Burmy(F) [Accept / Reject] Tributed Pokemon: Slaking(F) Rejections left: 3 ~~~ "How can we provide...
  4. U


    Grr, I'm still stuck on level five. I've been to , but I can't make anything of the clues. EDIT: Now I'm on 21. Hmm....
  5. U


    The Poni are surprised by such a demanding request, but nevertheless you are brought: Slaking(F) [Accept / Reject] Tributed Pokemon: none Rejections left: 3 ~~~ "Leave? Dar is leaving? We must shower our great Dar with glorious presents fit for our deity!" The Poni graciously offer you...
  6. U


    The Poni pray, "O LuckyLapras, they may be weak now, but surely your holiness will transform them into mighty dragons one day." They bring you: Magikarp(M) Magikarp(F) Magikarp(M) [Accept / Reject] Tributed Pokemon: none Rejections left: 3 ~~~ "Wings! Noctowl requires Pokemon with wings as...
  7. U

    Pal Park (v 3.0)

    I'll have a Wiki Berry because it sounds like "Wikipedia."
  8. U

    The Bank (2.0)

    $4 from Dar $4 from Alraune $4 from Vehement Mustelid
  9. U


    "The bones of the ancients! Like a fossil or something!" The Poni search through their runic temples and find: Kabuto [Accept / Reject] Rejections left: 3 Tributed Pokemon: none ~~~ "Hot as a flame! Alraune requires a Pokemon that's hot as a flame?" "Hot? Hot as in sexy, or hot as in...
  10. U

    Pal Park (v 3.0)

  11. U

    The Bank (2.0)

    $4 from LuckyLapras $4 from Noctowl
  12. U


    You'll need to make a proclamation to the Poni :) ~~~ "Bind? Bind bind bind! Noctowl demands bind! Many bind! Gather as many binding Pokemon as we can!" The Poni bring you the following as tribute: Tentacool Ekans [Accept / Reject] Rejections left: 3 Tributed Pokemon: none
  13. U

    The Bank (2.0)

    -$30 for Tribute
  14. U


    Tribute You are a god without a people. A lonely, wandering deity who craves worship, yet finds none. That is, until you stumble upon the Poni people. The Poni are a very superstitious tribe whose polytheistic religion comprises of thousands of gods. These gods are responsible for anything...
  15. U

    Pal Park (v 3.0)

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