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Recent content by Vipera Magnifica

  1. Vipera Magnifica

    [signup thread] knives alley

    rariiii please add me to hydra communications
  2. Vipera Magnifica

    Rock/Electric perhaps?

    Rock/Electric perhaps?
  3. Vipera Magnifica

    The "Fwee" Thread

    Made some really good peach cobbler. I mean like really good peach cobbler, the kind I haven't had in years. I never expected a homemade dessert to taste that good. We even had some homemade ice cream to go with it; it was amazing. Also Tofu and I got engaged.
  4. Vipera Magnifica


    Hydreigon, you don’t need to make a new account just to talk to us. We just ask that you do your best to follow mafia forum rules in the future.
  5. Vipera Magnifica

    SeshasGame IV - Black Sword Rising - Signups

    We should combine to become Verycool Mister
  6. Vipera Magnifica

    SeshasGame IV - Black Sword Rising - Signups

    If someone else wants in I'd gladly hydra; that'd even be preferred since my schedule will probably get in the way of me playing much.
  7. Vipera Magnifica

    Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia 2 - Game Thread

    Neither Tofu nor I are going to be around at EoD so do what you will but I'd advise yeeting someone who isn't Tofu tbh
  8. Vipera Magnifica

    I'm fine I'm just not really feeling like playing mafia today

    I'm fine I'm just not really feeling like playing mafia today
  9. Vipera Magnifica

    Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia 2 - Game Thread

    I am not really in the headspace for mafia today. Just felt like prefacing this post by saying that. It looks like Tofu is getting yeeted today which is... frustrating, because I'm pretty sure she's actually just town. It seems my proposal wasn't really given the consideration it deserves...
  10. Vipera Magnifica

    Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia 2 - Game Thread

    I've said my piece, now I actually won't be around for a few hours. I'll be back before EoD though.
  11. Vipera Magnifica

    Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia 2 - Game Thread

    Was playing MtG with Tofu and ILS and a friend of mine last night and stayed up late; now I'm trying to catch up with posts this morning and my brain is just not capable of processing a lot of information right now. I'm going to be out kayaking today so I won't be around until before EoD I...
  12. Vipera Magnifica

    Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia 2 - Game Thread

    hmm, that's interesting to hear then. do you have any other thoughts about koko?
  13. Vipera Magnifica

    Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia 2 - Game Thread

    Should I offer my suggestion now? Or are there other things we want to finish discussing first It's a bit against-the-grain of current meta so I expect some disapproval; I'd rather not completely redirect the conversation though if there's other things we want to resolve first
  14. Vipera Magnifica

    Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia 2 - Game Thread

    That's probably nothing worth considering, and now that I think about it w!koko would not have even mentioned the town wincon if e was unsure about it
  15. Vipera Magnifica

    Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia 2 - Game Thread

    Hmm I see... I still assume that koko would known though that "mafia" and "scum" are used interchangeably.
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