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Recent content by Wobbles

  1. Wobbles

    Answer A Question With A Question

    Why does everybody forget how bad ass Wobbuffet is?
  2. Wobbles

    You're Banned

    You're banned for using a clever wordplay as your name.
  3. Wobbles

    The "Fwee" Thread

    I got a girlfriend! Also figured out how to get back on TCoD!
  4. Wobbles

    Icelandic Translation

    I was worried when I saw it at first, but then thanked the heavens for time zones.
  5. Wobbles

    Did you get it yet, huh?

    Did you get it yet, huh?
  6. Wobbles

    Famous Ancestors/Relatives

    Well, my great grandfather (Paternal grandfather's dad) played in a band with Louis Prima the guy that played King Louis in The Jungle Book. If you wanna see, Clicky here. He's the guy on the big string bass. I can't think of any others right now. If I had a picture available, I would claim...
  7. Wobbles

    Meaning behind your Username and/or Usertitle

    Well, Wobbuffet is one of my favorite pokemon, and I was looking around for avatars. Then I saw the one that I have, and thought: "Yes. Wobbles III, since he must have a distinguished family." Then, when I EV trained a Wobbuffet, I named it "Wobbles II", because the Character limit, and realized...
  8. Wobbles

    Pointless Question

    I would use the new one, since I like to think that, with the old one, I'm holding a piece of history in my hands. Kind of like Ted Mosby with the penny from the 1960's or something like that.
  9. Wobbles

    What national holiday is on your birthday?

    I got Sneak Some Zucchini onto Your Neighbor's Porch Night. What. The. Fuck? Well, we are in Insanity, so Fair game, I guess.
  10. Wobbles

    Pokémon RéBURST (Big Image Warning)

    Re: Pokémon ReBURST (Big Image Warning) Win. All the win!
  11. Wobbles

    Caption the Avatar Above You Once Again

    Prepare to face my deadly PELVIC THRUST OF DOOOOOM!!
  12. Wobbles

    Caption the Avatar Above You Once Again

    Now, how did the fire become blue?
  13. Wobbles

    Caption the Avatar Above You Once Again

    neigh im a goat
  14. Wobbles

    Caption the Avatar Above You Once Again

    LUXRAY used Discharge!
  15. Wobbles


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