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Recent content by Zero Moment

  1. Zero Moment

    Donald Trump elected President of the United States

    Personally I wouldn't be so sure about that, given the comments already said by some of the people surrounding him... but I also don't believe he'll make it to the 2028 election anyways, so it's probably a moot point.
  2. Zero Moment

    Minimal Flavor Mafia signup thread

    lmao imagine a setup where there's a mafia roleblocker vs 0 town night actions
  3. Zero Moment

    Pokémafia - Super Mystery Dungeon

    I'd be down with some proper bastard mafia sometime tbh as long as it's proper bastard and not kaizo "oops all terrorists" bastard
  4. Zero Moment

    Pokémafia - Super Mystery Dungeon

    what a bastardly setup, I love it
  5. Zero Moment

    Pokémafia - Super Mystery Dungeon

    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I had a feeling this was game end
  6. Zero Moment

    Pokémafia - Super Mystery Dungeon

    how about if the Partner's role PM says the word passionate
  7. Zero Moment

    Pokémafia - Super Mystery Dungeon

    uhhhhhh shit
  8. Zero Moment

    Pokémafia - Super Mystery Dungeon

    I guess I'm fine with Haneko
  9. Zero Moment

    Pokémafia - Super Mystery Dungeon

    no, I didn't get anything N1 because nobody died. I was Very Sad. but it's possible that they had their poetry as a passive alongside a usable night action. and yeah, I don't target a player to get their ability, it gets assigned to me.
  10. Zero Moment

    Pokémafia - Super Mystery Dungeon

    My role equivalent... probably has a name that I don't recall, but what I do is every Night I take up the abilities of one of the dead players. The flavor makes it kinda unclear whether I pull from the list of all the dead players or just the player that was lynched the previous Day, but w/e...
  11. Zero Moment

    Pokémafia - Super Mystery Dungeon

    Ha-ha! Well then, your tea reading does not, in fact, contradict my claims! For you see, my flavor at the start of the game was not Riolu! My flavor was The Partner until I took a choice Night 0!
  12. Zero Moment

    Pokémafia - Super Mystery Dungeon

    wait a second so what you're saying is, you only receive info about how the game started, and not how things have changed as the game has progressed?
  13. Zero Moment

    Pokémafia - Super Mystery Dungeon

    ...no, my role did not change in the slightest.
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