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Landsverd Teardrop Island

Jackie Cat

A cat who writes stories.
Heartache staff
they or she
While a wounded pokémon can heal themself, it is better to have not taken a wound in battle at all. One cannot be harmed if they are not even hit. Better still, one cannot be harmed if they are entirely out of reach. Best of all, one cannot be attacked if they are hidden from the sight of others.

Articuno's base was founded on an island shrouded by mist. Wherever it lay, it was a green and lush place compared to the Soja's deserts and badlands, with conifer trees brimming across the earth and rock up to the very coast. At the shoreline, the water was clear turquoise, shallow freshwater waves lapping at pebbles the colour of storm clouds, the rough lakebed surface visible through the clear depths. Fish swum there, and although there was no salt-smell of ocean brine, there were calls at times from seabirds, whose life could hardly be very different in a lake of this size.

The station itself had been constructed out of local materials – chiefly grey stone and white pine – and did not rise high out of the island forest that surrounded it. It was an unassuming collection of buildings, with a central courtyard, a clocktower, and an outer fence meant more to ward off local wildlife than to prevent entry by a determined trespasser. A few Covenant pokémon could be seen, at times, crossing the courtyard from one building to another. Often, with a simple cloak pulled up over their head to ward off the frequent light rains that showered the place, or with lanterns held up to pierce the frequent fogs.

Out on the horizon, no other land could be seen – only the surface of the lake, and the ever-present silver mist.

[Ch05] ~ Finale ~ Perfect Clarity
Articuno returned to the Sun Stone's rooftop as promised – precisely at noon – and with little fanfare, they whisked those Wayfarers who'd come there to their station, many miles away from Frontier Town.

The legendary floated in the air as if hovering in flight, but their wings did not flap or even so much as glide. They sustained their levitation by psychic power alone, their wings free to gesture, stroke their beak, or gleam with power as they swept their surroundings clear of mist and wildlife.

"We shall begin shortly," said the legend, in their coolly composed voice. "I wish not to see a simple demonstration of strength, but the particular qualities that make your group so remarkable. Your... coordination. Inventiveness. Mastery of strange elements."

They looked over their shoulder at the gathered Wayfarers.

"Forgive me," they added, lightly. "I am unaccustomed to hosting guests. Welcome to Teardrop Station. It is, for the moment, my home."
Gladion looked around, though he didn’t actually stop to look at anything in particular for more than a second or two. “Neat place.”

Primarily, he was looking around because wanted to get an idea of where the sun was without looking like too much like it was his first idea. It had been noon when they’d departed, so it should be as easy as it would ever be to spot it if they’d drifted too far east. He hoped fighting would let Betel ping their location, but if not this might be the best clue as to their location that he’d get.

There seemed to be other covenant members here. “We gonna end up with an audience?”
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Andre looked around with his mouth slightly ajar, taking in the sights. How pretty it was here! It was a shame he wouldn't remember any of this after he got home... he didn't expect to really be able to paint before that. Not that landscapes were really his forte, anyway.

"It's beautiful here," he said to Articuno. "Can't blame you for choosing this place as a station."
The shoreline unsettled Ridley.

It was a beautiful place, green and growing, a lush relief from the harsh sunlight and rough terrain that Ridley had grown begrudgingly accustomed to. He would have expected himself to be delighted to be here. And yet...

It was hardly the same. There were pebbles where there had been sand; waves where there had been stillness; life where there had been nothing but a vast, aching emptiness. But all the same there was something about this place, this point where water met land, which reminded Ridley shiveringly of what he'd done to himself.

Ridley had tagged along with the group mostly because he'd wanted to learn more about Articuno and the situation with the Covenant, but the location was a sharp reminder that he'd need to work not just to impress Articuno but also to redeem himself in the eyes of his fellow Wayfarers.

(Articuno had suggested that offworlders might be able to decide when they left Forlas. Ridley wasn't at all certain he wanted to return to being the person he'd been when he arrived here, but - what would happen if he didn't leave? Would he live out his natural life here and then wake up back home after he died, with no memory of the whole other life he'd lived? Or would time continue its inexorable flow across universes, and some poor person would be forced to stumble upon his human corpse?)

(He hated thinking like this. He hadn't felt this way since the shadow corruption had been purged from his body. This place was messing with him, and he hated it.)
It was nice to not be in a desert for once. There was a sense of relief in that, even if the circumstances meant it couldn't last very long.

Isidora had no intention of going back on her promise to stay out of Covenant matters, but after having discussed with Gladion shortly beforehand, she decided that maybe he had a point about coming to keep an eye on things. She truly did not believe they needed the Coven for anything, that hadn't changed, but if the others didn't agree then the least she could do was balance the scale. Articuno here was also a factor that threw an interesting card onto the table. And of course, she was here to fight them.

Strategically, there were a few reasons to believe they stood a chance. But a legendary is a legendary. No one just picks a fight with a one and expects it to go well, even if it was just sparring. Isidora never would've thought to pull a stunt like this back home, and she still didn't feel strong enough to hold a candle to her old self. She could only hope to rely on her teammates here... and attempt to put her disagreements with them on this aside.

Just worry about the fight. It was easier to think of it as the only thing that mattered. She took a moment to put away her sandals (and appreciate the cool grass underfoot), then reached under the plain black scarf around her neck to discretely tug at the worn, similarly-colored sash hidden underneath. The knot seemed like it'd hold. It wasn't completely hidden: the ends trailed down her back about a claw's length, but maybe Articuno wouldn't realize what it was until she had already hit them too hard.

With that, Isidora crossed her arms and made her priorities clear: "Does this fight have any conditions?"
Gladion wanted to get an idea of where the sun was without looking like too much like it was his first idea. It had been noon when they’d departed, so it should be as easy as it would ever be to spot it if they’d drifted too far east. He hoped fighting would let Betel ping their location, but if not this might be the best clue as to their location that he’d get.

The sun had been right overhead back in Frontier Town – high noon. Now, it was noticeably further west in the sky... the party had shifted a couple hours or so eastward.

“We gonna end up with an audience?”

Articuno smiled drily, as they often did. "I doubt the staff will have an especially clear view of our combat. You needn't feel stage fright."

Was that... a joke? They were so deadpan, it was hard to tell, but they seemed sharp enough about communication that it surely must be.

"It's beautiful here. Can't blame you for choosing this place as a station."

"It... was not chosen for its being picturesque," said Articuno, carefully, "but yes, it is quite lovely. The local climate is temperate, with regular precipitation, but on clear days it has been worthwhile to take a moment to reflect on its vistas. Ahem – that is to say, one must appreciate the view whenever it does not rain."

Their voice was soft, and faintly wistful as they spoke of the island's beauty. Their guard lowered imperceptibly for this topic, for whatever reason...

"It does me the kindness of in no way reminding me of home," they added, very quietly, such that only a Wayfarer standing close would hear.

"Does this fight have any conditions?"

Articuno turned purposefully to face Isidora, and bowed lightly.

"Well met, Sneasel Isidora. The practical terms of the match shall be simple – victory goes to the party who first yields or is no longer able to battle. Battle Items are permitted, naturally. The boundaries extend no further than the near northern clifftop, the shallows of the shoreline, and the point at which the treeline thickens beyond visibility in the west. Should you stall out, we must conclude our battle by dusk at the very latest, though I do not expect it will come to that!"

The bird peered with a tilted head at the gathered Wayfarers, considering something.

Laura coughed lightly. "You said something before, about wanting to see what we were capable of? More or less?"

They nodded, and shrugged their wings briskly.

"By all means. I expect you to apply yourselves! That is only natural. However, I would be truly satisfied with this exercise if you were to humour me a little – on the infrequent occasions when I am tasked to train Covenant agents, I often pose various questions to them, in lieu of a theoretical exam. I still know so little about you, Wayfarers, and would be delighted to learn about you from this battle."

Laura nodded, her tail flicking nervously. Holding a conversation mid-battle would be challenging... but then, they usually did just that under normal circumstances, didn't they? Or at least, it sure felt that way.

"I'm sure we'll learn plenty about you, too," she replied, neutrally.

That dry smile again.

"Certainly. One can hardly help but reveal oneself in battle," affirmed Articuno, coolly. "You have learned that much by now, no doubt."
"I doubt the staff will have an especially clear view of our combat. You needn't feel stage fright."
Gladion scoffed. “Don’t worry about me. I just don’t want the wrong kind of person getting a look at my species while we kick your ass.”

He followed the cadence of a pre-combat exchange, but his voice had no edge to it. Being here in-person brought the realization that he had just opted into being taken deep into the territory of a group that at least some members of which would honestly quite like to study him. And his only way back was one of them.

It would be fine, probably… He didn’t have to be comfortable with it. It just had to work out. And he had to hope it was worth it.

“I’m ready.”
Articuno wanted to ask them questions mid-battle, too? Isidora knew this was supposed to be low stakes, but she wanted to win this dammit, not take part in some farcical Covenant interview. What if I just don't answer them? Maybe it'd piss them off, but if they end up not giving her the chance, then that's just their own fault.

Isidora did a few quick stretches of her legs and arms. Just defeat an Articuno, no big deal. Just casually pull off a feat that'd make a King tremble in their throne. Other groups did it, why not yours? And if nothing else, at least you might learn something useful about Saints...

A deep breath. Part of her wanted to say something snippy, but she couldn't muster the confidence. "Ready when you are."
"Yeah, I guess we're good to go," said Laura, clenching her paws, scanning the terrain for vantage points and cover. Coastal beach, cliffs to the north, forest to the south-west, and what looked like a large pool – or small lake – not much further inland. Across a modest span of water was what might be a northern shore, or a small island nested inside the lake – small enough that it would be difficult for many 'mon to fight on it at once... An island in a lake in an island in a lake? Recursion. Huh.

"Excellent," replied Articuno, lifting into the air and floating backward. They drifted across the inland lake towards the islet in its centre, and their wings glowed with power.

Laura took a deep breath... and blew out a plume of vapour. Her ears flatted against the sudden chill.

"I have a feeling this is gonna be a cerebral one," she muttered. "Maybe don't take any big risks, everyone."

Articuno stretched to their full wingspan, and the sky above the lake tore open in a thick, vision-baffling snowstorm. A whiteout.

Articuno's Storm

Changes the weather to whiteout in three zones, and creates a snow shade in each. User gains the Snow Cloak Ability and the Coldhearted status, which causes them count as the Ice-type for everything except type-effectiveness.

Snow shades raise the MC to enter or leave their zone by 1. They also prevent targeting at range (units inside the zone cannot target enemies outside, units outside cannot target enemies inside).
The storm created a whiteout in Roost Islet, Cliffside Lake, and Beachfront Lake!
Articuno's Ability became Snow Cloak. Articuno became Coldhearted.
Whiteout: Strong Weather.

Ice-type units get +1 innate Def.
Units take damage for 5% of their max HP each checkup unless they are the Ice type.
Units are treated as having -1 innate Spd unless they are the Ice type.
Frostbite costs 2 tempo less to inflict.
Drowsy units starting their turn in whiteout have a dash cap of -1.
Counts as snowstorm for moves and Abilities.

Laura drew herself up and gave herself a dash of Radiance, enough to speed her thoughts, make her more decisive...

The lake would be hard to traverse, but there was no way they could aim at Articuno from land, if ranged attacks could even penetrate the sustained blizzard. Maybe they should advance slowly, or find some other advantage... Already, the Saint was testing them.

"You will not always have the luxuries of foreknowledge, familiar terrain, or even the usual methods on which you rely," came Articuno's voice inside the Wayfarers' minds. "Will you charge blindly forward? Hold back out of caution? Show me how you persevere through a storm, when you can barely see your limbs before you!"
"Oh, yeah, really?"

Gladion's voice was quiet aloud, mostly speaking out of habit as he pushed back against the mental whisper, being careful to compartmentalize his speech at a different time from when he used Betel's link. Just in case.

"How'll we ever live without knowing what's going on. Whatever will we do without our familiar Forlassian terrain. Are you doing a bit, saying the most asinine thing you can to see how we'll react? We already made a jump just to be here, any unfamiliar methods you can demand of us is a rounding error."

He'd already dealt with this fucking body. Not having any memory discs felt like a mistake now that he was faced with an ice storm. Stupid bleeding disc system. He needed to be ice-type. It reacted to the thought by spinning up, like the thing thought he might've put one in. It felt like it was running a DRM check on what he could do. Acting on instinct, he pushed against it and was rewarded with the sound of electronics shorting. A trickle of smoke bled from the seam between metal and feathers.

A recollection flashed before him: Mount Lanakila. He'd brought Silverbell here to practice her ice moves. It was the first time he'd ever felt underdressed in Alola, the mountain breeze chilling him through his hoodie. His fingers and toes had gone ice-cold. It was worth it, she was clearly happy to be here. He shoved his hands in his pockets, he could deal with this. It wasn't frostbite cold at this altitude. An icy blue overtook the chromatophores in his eyes, crest, and tail. He'd be fine in this cold, too.

A deep satisfaction bloomed in him. "I can adapt to any situation you throw at me."

He stepped out onto the ice, testing it could carry him before comitting. He didn't slide at all, and the storm felt like it was hardly there, save for the impaired visibility. He spoke louder to be heard over the sound of the storm against the surface, but didn't make any particular effort to include Articuno this time. "Thanks for the assist, Laura. Didn't fancy learning to swim again in this weather."

Gladion (133 STM, 5 TMP, +0 SPD, +1 ACC, 0 SHD, 0 RAD)
- **Act:** Dash to Beachfront Lake (-2 TMP)
- **Act:** Focus (+5 TMP, -20 SHD, -20 RAD)
- Soul's Volition (-30 STM, +2 TMP)
- Protect (-20 STM, +2 TMP)
Net change: -50 STM, +7 TMP, +0 SHD, +0 RAD
Net totals: 83 STM (116 after regen), 12 TMP, 0 SHD, 0 RAD

Agile the protect if that avoid setting a cooldown, but for some reason my instinct says it won't. (And permission to edit to a beam if the need arises.)
The cold bit at him through the thin fabric of his disguise, a sudden and shocking contrast to the previous warmth of the day.

"If I'd had the luxury of foreknowledge, I'd have sewn a warmer disguise," Ridley muttered to himself. He felt a rush of gratitude to Laura as she crouched down to freeze the lake. However hardy his mimikyu body seemed to be, he'd rather not court hypothermia by running around covered with wet fabric in these temperatures.

He doubted his ability to do anything to hurt Articuno, but he could at least help to deal with the snow shades so his teammates could focus on the larger threat.

Ridley (Aux Rogue/Brawler)
- Brawler GHOST Aux @ Shade
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Laura glanced at her teammates. She was glad to have Gladion with her, at least, but how had she come to be on a squad with Bellatrix of all 'mon, and Isidora yet again? Nothing had changed for the better between her and those two, despite how far the party had come by now. Chill air, thick snow, surrounded by people who disapproved of her without understanding her – it was just like being back in fucking Circhester.

Her breath bloomed like white dragonfire, and the nostalgia almost took the edge off. She'd be fine. Just fight and win and – well, prove herself somehow. Maybe proving her competence to a Saint's satisfaction would make up for her teammates' hostility. Gods, howls, she was impatient for that by now. Alright.

She'd act.

Her paws shimmered with golden energy. Snap. Snap. Snap. The pulse of energy transfer that shook her aura every time. There was something different about that last pulse – to Gladion, unexpected, impulsive, but certain. That wasn't Coaching. It was something else. Something deeper.

Laura used Soul's Conviction!

She didn't have the time to figure it out. Too much work to do.

"Everyone, strike the south target. I'll make a path for you!"

Just like Gibbous. She'd freeze the water. Easy.

Paws out, she crouched low, and thought – cold.

The wind whispered a low scream as it chilled the surface of the lake to the point of freezing. Just hold it a little longer... and it'd support the weight of even Gladion. Good.

She looked up through the whiteout at the giant bird in the distance.

Cold fingers. Cold face. Cold mind. Nothing in her head but step after step, and an anger she could only look at out of the corner of her eye, for fear of feeling it so strongly that she’d forget how to breathe.

Enough useless emotional melodrama. She was going to be smart, determined, and effective.

"When the conditions are unbearable, you change the conditions," she said, quietly. Maybe Articuno would hear her.

Laura (139 STM, 5 TMP, +0 SPD, +1 ACC, 0 SHD, 0 RAD)
- Activate ability (Moody) @ +Spd & -Atk
- **Act:** RADIANT Focus (+5 TMP)
- RADIANT Coaching @ Isidora and Bellatrix (ACTIVATE: Support Feat) (-18 STM, -8 TMP, +2 TMP, +16 RAD)
- Soul's Conviction @ Gladion (-30 STM, +2 TMP) [+Acc/Eva]
- Icy Wind @ Interact (-23 STM, +2 TMP)
- Interact @ Beachfront Lake (-3 TMP) [Freeze the water with Icy Wind]
- Walk (+0 MC) to Beachfront Lake
Net change: -71 STM, +0 TMP, +0 SHD, +16 RAD
Net totals: 68 STM (102 after regen), 5 TMP, 0 SHD, 16 RAD
"You will not always have the luxuries of foreknowledge, familiar terrain, or even the usual methods on which you rely," came Articuno's voice inside the Wayfarers' minds. "Will you charge blindly forward? Hold back out of caution? Show me how you persevere through a storm, when you can barely see your limbs before you!"

Isidora placed a paw above her eyes as she looked out over the storm. Well that's just rhetorical.

The temperature dropped to a degree pushing against Isidora's natural comfort, but even that was relieving breeze compared to the past month spent in scorching weather. The last time she had ever experienced a cold like this was... two years ago, just about. Maybe a bit closer to three by now?

Laura made her move to freeze a path ahead and gave the order to take advantage of it. Isidora brushed the twinge of annoyance off her claws as she walked forward and unsheathed them. Fair order, I guess. She could cross this easy, right? She grew up ice skating for fun, there was no reason to doubt it. Not even when faced with a blizzard, surely...

Isidora leaped onto the ice. Three years since she last skated and she still stuck a clean landing, carrying that momentum as she pushed forward into the storm, skating on ice-hardened pads and allowing her claws to guide her movements. Yet in this kind of fierce blizzard, they could only guide her blindly- Don't lose focus.

She brandished her foreclaws and scraped them against each other as she went. Articuno thought this an obstacle; did they really think that little of her? A claw gravitated to her shoulder and grasped at the light within. I can't let you get away with that. They gripped harder and a sudden pain shuddered through her, throwing her movements off and almost forcing a stumble before her feet dug into the ice on instinct, using the slowdown to regain her balance and continue pushing. I won't let you get away with that.

An icy figure became visible in the distance. The sneasel's pupils widened. There!

Her body lowered to a kneel, her claw drew down her arm, her feet scratched at the ice, and by the time the icy shade came into focus Isidora had already torn her claws through it, and by the time it had a chance to physically recoil she was already skidding onto the shore.

Warmth buzzed through Isidora's system. She didn't feel cold, she was in her element. "My answer..." She knelt facing the islet, both claws ready at her shoulders. It was a straight shot to her opponent, and she couldn't help but smirk. "Is that you're about to regret that."

Isidora (136 STM, 5 TMP, +0 SPD, +1 ACC, 0 SHD, 0 RAD)
- **Act:** Dash to Beachfront Lake (-2 TMP)
- Swords Dance (-18 STM, +2 TMP)
- **Act:** RADIANT Focus (+5 TMP)
- RADIANT Swift Soul @ Beachfront Shade (ACTIVATE: Sure Hit, effect) (-30 STM, -5 TMP, +3 TMP, +30 RAD)
- Activate feat (Spotter Feat) @ Snow Shade's Moves
- Walk to South Beach
Net change: -48 STM, +3 TMP, +0 SHD, +30 RAD
Net totals: 88 STM (122 after regen), 8 TMP, 0 SHD, 30 RAD
Bellatrix saw little reason to use her words upon meeting Articuno again for their spar. Her presence and confident stance did the speaking for her. And so, when the battle begun Bellatrix silently drew her blade and bit down on a seed that she'd pulled out of her satchel, causing her adrenaline to pump. The cold did not bother her, if anything, her mind was trying to find ways to take advantage of it to turn it against Articuno. Her intent was made clear over the communicative network, she would help carve out a path towards the Saint in order to effectively advance and pincer them.

With trust in her instincts, Bellatrix bounded across the newly formed ice to slash at the Shade, mentally noting down their durability before leaping back onto the shore bank. She needed to pace herself, conserve her energy for the real target, not get carried away in the excitement of the battle.

"Your move," she said beneath her breath, watching Articuno's next moves closely.

Bellatrix (133 STM, 5 TMP, +0 SPD, +1 ACC, 0 SHD, 0 RAD)
- **Act:** Item (Violent Seed)
- **Act:** RADIANT Focus (+5 TMP)
- RADIANT Work Up (-18 STM, +2 TMP, +18 RAD)
- Dash to Beachfront Lake (-2 TMP)
- Extreme Speed @ Beachfront Shade (-22 STM, +3 TMP)
- Extreme Speed @ Beachfront Shade (-33 STM, +3 TMP)
- Activate feat (Spotter Feat) @ Snow Shade's Defences
- Walk to South Beach
Net change: -73 STM, +11 TMP, +0 SHD, +18 RAD
Net totals: 60 STM (93 after regen), 16 TMP, 0 SHD, 18 RAD
- Laura
- Gladion
- Isidora
- Bellatrix
- Ridley
Turn 1
Player Phase

"Oh, yeah, really? How'll we ever live without knowing what's going on. Whatever will we do without our familiar Forlassian terrain. Are you doing a bit, saying the most asinine thing you can to see how we'll react? We already made a jump just to be here, any unfamiliar methods you can demand of us is a rounding error. I can adapt to any situation you throw at me."
"When the conditions are unbearable, you change the conditions."
"My answer... Is that you're about to regret that."
"Your move."

There was a faint peal of what may have been laughter from inside the storm.

"Forgive me for exercising restraint, Gladion! I promise that I shall endeavour to put you through your paces; I look forward to seeing the limits of your ill temper."

Even in the whiteout, Articuno's towering form was faintly visible, the bright glare of their eyes flashing brighter still in the snow. Blinding.

"To change the problem you're faced with, or to change yourself to face it – that is how one overcomes that which they cannot already contend with. Of course, one cannot help but change. It may as well be for the better."

Laura's RADIANT Coaching buffed Isidora and Bellatrix!
Laura's Soul's Conviction buffed Gladion, then herself!
Interact result:
Laura used Icy Wind to freeze over Beachfront Lake! Its MC was reduced to 1!

Gladion used Soul's Volition!

Isidora's RADIANT Swift Soul dealt 54 damage to Snow Shade 3! It's super effective!
👁️ Isidora's Spotter Feat - Snow Shade's moves:

Hypnosis, Powder Snow, Haze

Bellatrix's Extreme Speed dealt 24 damage to Snow Shade 3!
Bellatrix's Extreme Speed dealt 27 damage to Snow Shade 3!
👁️ Bellatrix's Spotter Feat - Snow Shade's defences:

Def: 100 Res: 100

Ridley's Ghost Brawler Strike was aimed at Snow Shade 3, but hit Snow Shade 1 for 25 dmg!

The squad moved in, turning the southern lake into an icy platform, and capturing it. The snow shade wheeled in the air like a bird – its substance hard to touch, like living powder snow – but a focused offense swiftly eliminated it. The scattered particles shimmered silver in the whirling snowstorm...

a relieving breeze
two years ago
a twinge of annoyance
Fair order, I guess.
did they really think that little of her?
I can't let you get away with that. I won't let you get away with that.
she was in her element

"Fascinating," came Articuno's psychic speech again. "Such antipathy – for your allies who lend you strength; for your opponent who does not crush you utterly... You feel the need to prove your worth, then? Is it resentment you carry, for what you perceive as others failing to attribute you with... independence? Competence? No mortal has ever achieved anything alone, Sneasel Isidora. You are a social species; you injure yourself in your solitude."

The whiteout flashed with psychic power as the legendary prepared their response.

"How will you fare when you have no choice but to depend on others, then?"

It seems Articuno wants to test the party...
[ ] Objective: Defeat Articuno.
[ ] Secondary Objective: Show Articuno who you really are.
Good luck, Wayfarers. Come what may, I still have every faith in you.
Turn 1
Enemy Phase

Articuno walked to Beachfront Lake.
Snow Shade walked to Beachfront Lake.

Articuno and a snow shade escort drifted – without true flight – through the whiteout to the frozen surface. The shade danced weightlessly, entrancingly beautiful, and Gladion's shield flickered away. Without it, he'd surely have spaced out...

Gladion's Noisy drew attention! Laura's Sneak Scarf concealed her...
Snow Shade used Hypnosis! Gladion Protected himself!

Legendary Action: Stats Boost! Articuno gained +2 Acc!
Articuno Focused...

The legendary's stare was cold now, in a way it hadn't quite been before. Curious, thoughtful, but uncompromising.

"You assured me that you need no familiar terrain, and may adapt to anything, Graydian – prove it to me."

Rock and stones levitated, and fell towards Gladion with an eerie lithokinetic power... Though Gladion dodged the brunt of the attack, he was struck mid-step by a beam of blinding energy from Articuno's eyes that chilled his body beyond mere temperature.

Articuno's Ancient Power dealt a grazing 22 damage to Gladion! It's super effective!
Interact result:
Ancient Power broke the ice beneath Gladion's feet! Gladion fell into the lake! (MC 3 to get out).
Articuno's Freezing Glare dealt a CRITICAL 63 damage to Gladion! Gladion is immune to frostbite!

"I expect you to recover within two minutes," remarked Articuno, evenly. "Incidentally, the proper demonym is 'Forlasan'. I will see you shortly, Gladion."

Articuno dashed to South Beach! Articuno's AGILE Freezing Soul dealt 29 dmg to Isidora! NVE...
Articuno's Freezing Soul dealt 36 damage to Isidora! NVE...
Isidora was trapped! Something strange is happening...

"Would you care for some one-to-one tuition?" asked the Saint, lightly. "You have my full attention, Isidora."

Boss Attack: Articuno is preparing Ancient Power.
Target: South Beach

Snow Shade is idle... it prepared a move for future use instead.
Snow Shade took cover.

Laura was hurt by the whiteout...

Laura is escaping notice.
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It was always convenient when the opponent walked to her and out of the element they had tried to take advantage of. Bellatrix's gaze remained even, not allowing any show of power intimidate her. As the Saint remained distracted by Isidora, Bellatrix took a deep breath and brought forth her blade, ice gathering around it and in her off-hand from more than just the local chill. A trustworthy instinct told her to strike, Articuno was adept with ice, weren't they not? How well could they handle a direct strike against their wings?

"You think," finally came Bellatrix's answer. "Even in a disadvantaged state, each element and obstacle you may come across is a tool; something that can be pieced together in order to gain an advantage for yourself. Use them poorly and –" she slashed both blades against Articuno's feathers, a breaking swipe that would give the others an opening against them "– you will find the tides turning against your swiftly."

She leapt back, parting with a pair of throwing daggers against the Saint, and allowing her form to vanish amongst the trees. Watching, waiting to see what the Saint would do next.

Bellatrix (93 STM, 16 TMP, +0 SPD, +1 ACC, 0 SHD, 18 RAD)
- **Act:** Focus (+5 TMP, -20 SHD, -20 RAD)
- Work Up (-18 STM, +2 TMP)
- Obstinate Soul @ Articuno (ACTIVATE: Sure Hit, effect) (-30 STM, -5 TMP, +3 TMP)
- **Act:** Item (Iron Thorn) @ Articuno
- **Act:** Item (Iron Thorn) @ Articuno [Fast Draw]
- Activate feat (Spotter Feat) @ Articuno's Defences
- Walk to Coastal Conifers
Net change: -48 STM, +5 TMP, +0 SHD, -18 RAD
Net totals: 45 STM (78 after regen), 21 TMP, 0 SHD, 0 RAD
flavour when i am less sick hopefully

ridley ghost-type brawler aux @ shade 1 again
The battle began, all too quickly, and suddenly everything was white and cold. Andre shivered, only partially from the chill. His first thought, the first thought of the Wayfarer, the brave world-saving hero, was I can't do this.

How was he supposed to find Articuno? Make his attacks hit them? Well, he did have some kind of hunch where they were, probably because of Betel - but then there were also other targets. The... snow shades. Should he go for those? He felt far more equipped to take one the weaker opponents --

"Everyone, strike the south target. I'll make a path for you!"

Well, that answered that. South target. Where was that? No, right, he knew, Betel. Uh, okay. Andre stumbled forward onto the ice, trying his best not to slip on it. A bit further in, and the snow shade was in sight - well, compared to before, anyway. Now he needed to attack. Which move? These things must have been ice types, so he should use that fighting type kick move he knew, right? But around him were other Wayfarers. What if he got in the way? What if he kicked one of them accidentally? What if --

Oh. The snow shade fell.

Well, that was good, right? They were making progress. No thanks to Andre, but still.

Maybe he should find a target who was unattended for now. Betel's sense told him there was one at the islet in the center of the inner lake. Andre turned around and made his way there - oh, he slipped on the ice. Grand. He got back up, which was easier said than done, and kept going until the islet's shade was in range. I hope this works, Andre thought and performed the technique he'd done a million times - though not to a real mon in several weeks - letting loose a Double Kick on the shade, or its direction, at least.
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