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  • Hiya sorry I haven't been in a very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very long time I've just sorta been banned from the computer for a month. Randomness is funny let everyone you know that.
    cos on you list all i see is me and kali.just wondering if something happened between you and callisto?
    yay you are online!.you will eventually make it :).why isnt vaporeon/callisto on your friend list?
    ill try to catch you on one day espeon.i wasnt on when you were on cos i think the time where you are is different tim where i am
    Um, I know Bodhi....BECAUSE I CHANGED MY USERNAME!!! get a grip, Emma. (PS You never called you owe me five bucks =P)Seriously, don't shout out Bodhi's name, Izzy'll murder you.(Don't I always call you a Arylettmeanieface?)

    Ack Bodhi, don't mention him PM me if you want to. Why is greatly offended with a question mark?Have you been talking to Taro? Yujin? Blond kid?

    Happy two-days-until, Espeon. I hate you for not inviting me yet. Call me, i have something JUICY about Ethan and me.

    Last words: You like Sam
    Meeeeeeeee? An Arylettmeanieface? I am greatly offended? You want a cupcake... Well now you can't have one... OR A BODHI VOODOO DOLL!!!!!!!What... how do you know about Bodhi?
    STAY ON TOPIC WHEN YOU POST! And you owe me a cupcake, you Arylettmeanieface. And you also owe me a Bodhi voodoo doll.
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