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Search results

  1. F

    Hi there

    hello Bulbamew welcome to the group nice to meet you!
  2. F

    If [Pokémon] were a final boss, what would the battle be like?

    Re: If [Pokémon] were a final boss, what would the battle be like? hello xxashxx how are you and question for you what do you think of Gen 6 and all the mega evolutions? and to tell you the truth the mega evolution idea is like THE GREATEST THING THAT HAS EVER HAPPENED!!!!!
  3. F

    im new and im mlploverkayli!

    hello welcome to the group mlploverkayli!!!! how are you?
  4. F

    hey sorry guys i have been very busy these past few weeks so whats up guys? if you want to join...

    hey sorry guys i have been very busy these past few weeks so whats up guys? if you want to join the group i made cool
  5. F

    sorry guys i have been very busy lately so how are you guys oh and i made a group it is called...

    sorry guys i have been very busy lately so how are you guys oh and i made a group it is called The Time Lords so if you guys want to join it go right ahead
  6. F

    ok my name is Tim Mumford i am 14 years old and i live in indiana

    ok my name is Tim Mumford i am 14 years old and i live in indiana
  7. F

    hey what going on you guys-has anything interesting happened since i have been gone?

    hey what going on you guys-has anything interesting happened since i have been gone?
  8. F

    hey guys sorry i have not been posting anything i have been busy these past few months and so i...

    hey guys sorry i have not been posting anything i have been busy these past few months and so i will post something and if any of you want to friend me-go right ahead!
  9. F

    hello ~

    hello i am Fangblade22345
  10. F

    Hello there.

    hey you guys if i have not told you i am new to The Cave of Dragonflies-yeah i also like Pokemon and other stuff so feel free to join my group i have made.
  11. F

    hi i am new to this forum-and i want to know what kind of sprites you have done

    hi i am new to this forum-and i want to know what kind of sprites you have done
  12. F

    hey guys so yeah this is my first time being on here and i am looking forward to meeting all of...

    hey guys so yeah this is my first time being on here and i am looking forward to meeting all of you fans so feel free to join my group The Time Lord and NOTICE-to those fans who are Doctor Who Fans you can join my group and post anything you like.
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