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Search results

  1. Suzuki

    He kinda got reborn-ish because someone released him. Hes stronger now, too 'Sides; we need him...

    He kinda got reborn-ish because someone released him. Hes stronger now, too 'Sides; we need him, Or the RP would just be Kirby fighting monsters and regular life in Dream Land
  2. Suzuki

    Its just that Nightmare has escaped the Star Rod(That Kirby sealed him in years ago) and...

    Its just that Nightmare has escaped the Star Rod(That Kirby sealed him in years ago) and everyones gunna need to ban together to defeat him. Even some monsters (Like WolfWrath, Octacon, Kracko, and Kirisakin) are coming to help. We haven't gotten far xD I just started it the other day
  3. Suzuki

    Hey, I started a Kirby RP on GTS (just to let you know)

    Hey, I started a Kirby RP on GTS (just to let you know)
  4. Suzuki

    Oooh, it looks cool

    Oooh, it looks cool
  5. Suzuki

    Never heard of it, but it sounds cool :) Tell me about it :3

    Never heard of it, but it sounds cool :) Tell me about it :3
  6. Suzuki

    Yup... ... Waddaya wanna talk about? :P

    Yup... ... Waddaya wanna talk about? :P
  7. Suzuki

    Its wings messed me up. It made it look like there were 6 xD

    Its wings messed me up. It made it look like there were 6 xD
  8. Suzuki

    (Sorry late reply, my computer got mad at me and didn't desplay the webpage) Kimeramon's cool...

    (Sorry late reply, my computer got mad at me and didn't desplay the webpage) Kimeramon's cool. Its got like, a bagillion arms. Well... more like 6
  9. Suzuki

    My team is Vardurumon, ZeedMillenniumon, Preciomon and my reliefs are Prairiemon, Anubismon, an...

    My team is Vardurumon, ZeedMillenniumon, Preciomon and my reliefs are Prairiemon, Anubismon, an Sangloupmon. Sangloupmon switches out with SkullGreymon. Im trying to train my Kimeramon up, but It'l be a while until its Team-Worthy
  10. Suzuki

    Im at that place with all the ice... Its like Acces Glacier or something like that But I can't...

    Im at that place with all the ice... Its like Acces Glacier or something like that But I can't find my way out
  11. Suzuki

    GranDracmon is awesome. And hard :( He KO'd my poor babies *huggs Digi team* but then I told him...

    GranDracmon is awesome. And hard :( He KO'd my poor babies *huggs Digi team* but then I told him the Union would pay for them fixing the bridge thing and he didn't fight me :P
  12. Suzuki

    Wow I got so sad/mad when I figured out you can't get Skullbaluchimon in Dawn/Dusk.

    Wow I got so sad/mad when I figured out you can't get Skullbaluchimon in Dawn/Dusk.
  13. Suzuki

    I know! How many are there? Lol Skullbaluchimon is pwetty :3

    I know! How many are there? Lol Skullbaluchimon is pwetty :3
  14. Suzuki

    Ha, I don't think I could go on and on xD I don't know half the Digimon off my heart but if I...

    Ha, I don't think I could go on and on xD I don't know half the Digimon off my heart but if I hear the names I reconize them Im so wierd
  15. Suzuki

    Lol yes

    Lol yes
  16. Suzuki

    Ya ^^

    Ya ^^
  17. Suzuki

    I know whatcha mean xD The Millennuimons are naturally awesome

    I know whatcha mean xD The Millennuimons are naturally awesome
  18. Suzuki

    I might get one Same here ^^" Now my favorite it Varodurumon But then its Praieriemon...

    I might get one Same here ^^" Now my favorite it Varodurumon But then its Praieriemon, Sangloupmon, ZeedMillennuimmon (Or whatever), and Anubismon. Lulz :P
  19. Suzuki

    Ah, I see.

    Ah, I see.
  20. Suzuki

    Ooooooooohhhh no, I haven't *stares at site*

    Ooooooooohhhh no, I haven't *stares at site*
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