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Search results

  1. Suzuki

    ... Not a human

    ... Not a human
  2. Suzuki


  3. Suzuki

    Ya... Its like a giant wall of text o_o

    Ya... Its like a giant wall of text o_o
  4. Suzuki

    Its a bit confusing... But I think I get it...

    Its a bit confusing... But I think I get it...
  5. Suzuki

    I know what your thinking: I hate you. So; So much *coughmetaknightcough* Sure~ Can you gimme a...

    I know what your thinking: I hate you. So; So much *coughmetaknightcough* Sure~ Can you gimme a link?
  6. Suzuki

    The DRAGON ADOPTERS club, dammit

  7. Suzuki

    K, see ya!

    K, see ya!
  8. Suzuki

    That happed to me before too... We aren't allowed to draw unless the teacher say so. Thats why...

    That happed to me before too... We aren't allowed to draw unless the teacher say so. Thats why we are thrilled to have substitutes, they don't know that we're not supposed to draw. So we don't get in trouble XD
  9. Suzuki

    Actually, ya XD I never got caught. It was awsome XP

    Actually, ya XD I never got caught. It was awsome XP
  10. Suzuki

    Thank you ^^ I drew it at school when I wasn't supposed to and this guy who also likes Pokemon...

    Thank you ^^ I drew it at school when I wasn't supposed to and this guy who also likes Pokemon was like, stalking me while I was drawing it XD
  11. Suzuki

    Probably when I get a hang of teh site. I learn really quickly X3

    Probably when I get a hang of teh site. I learn really quickly X3
  12. Suzuki

    Thank you. I drew it at school when I wasn't supposed to XD

    Thank you. I drew it at school when I wasn't supposed to XD
  13. Suzuki

    Ya. But I has no tablet DX But I've had to do MS Paint for so many years, its my Best friend nao.

    Ya. But I has no tablet DX But I've had to do MS Paint for so many years, its my Best friend nao.
  14. Suzuki

    Thanks ^^" I still have 1 more to put in my album

    Thanks ^^" I still have 1 more to put in my album
  15. Suzuki


  16. Suzuki

    Terribly sorry. Ill put them in my album. -.-"

    Terribly sorry. Ill put them in my album. -.-"
  17. Suzuki

    Oh, ok ^^

    Oh, ok ^^
  18. Suzuki

    No, but thats a good idea *thinks*

    No, but thats a good idea *thinks*
  19. Suzuki

    There is this which was a fakemon requested from someone...

    There is this which was a fakemon requested from someone: http://i696.photobucket.com/albums/vv326/Suzukigiratina/Luximew_portrait.png This one is both digital and traditional: http://i696.photobucket.com/albums/vv326/Suzukigiratina/zigzagoon-1.png Traditional...
  20. Suzuki

    Im good, thanks ^^

    Im good, thanks ^^
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