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Search results

  1. screaming-yellow-madness

    D'aww that drawing rocks!

    D'aww that drawing rocks!
  2. screaming-yellow-madness

    that stinks! i wanted to see it!

    that stinks! i wanted to see it!
  3. screaming-yellow-madness

    yeah school stinks! and what!?!?

    yeah school stinks! and what!?!?
  4. screaming-yellow-madness

    me either!

    me either!
  5. screaming-yellow-madness

    hola me amiga! whats up!?

    hola me amiga! whats up!?
  6. screaming-yellow-madness

    oh just something about how someone is going to die 'cause of a life threating desease.

    oh just something about how someone is going to die 'cause of a life threating desease.
  7. screaming-yellow-madness

    well i just read something depressing, and spring break is over tommorow. but on the bright side...

    well i just read something depressing, and spring break is over tommorow. but on the bright side i still have tea!
  8. screaming-yellow-madness

    Grood, kinda.

    Grood, kinda.
  9. screaming-yellow-madness


  10. screaming-yellow-madness

    hey evoli! do you think i should appear on road trip as a hippie? that would rock!

    hey evoli! do you think i should appear on road trip as a hippie? that would rock!
  11. screaming-yellow-madness

    uh what?

    uh what?
  12. screaming-yellow-madness

    wow i wish i could do that! even though i have very few rules at my house i still can't climb on...

    wow i wish i could do that! even though i have very few rules at my house i still can't climb on the roof!
  13. screaming-yellow-madness

    haha no! that is an odd question! but just odd enough!

    haha no! that is an odd question! but just odd enough!
  14. screaming-yellow-madness

    grood i guess!

    grood i guess!
  15. screaming-yellow-madness

    thanks for the tip! sorry i am new at this!

    thanks for the tip! sorry i am new at this!
  16. screaming-yellow-madness


    sorry about the encanta thing! i could have sworn it was enchanta! i am not exactly getting an A in spanish! and didn't want to make a bad first impression, but i guess i did!
  17. screaming-yellow-madness

    well i am awesome!!!

    well i am awesome!!!
  18. screaming-yellow-madness

    evoli is threating to pose as me and write something stupid on road trip! unless i write...

    evoli is threating to pose as me and write something stupid on road trip! unless i write something on there by the end of the day!
  19. screaming-yellow-madness

    hey! it just took me some time to figure out how this website works!

    hey! it just took me some time to figure out how this website works!
  20. screaming-yellow-madness

    evoli made me join!

    evoli made me join!
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