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  1. Shadow Serenity

    Frontier Town Frontier Town Outskirts
    Threadmarks: Ch03 - Late Night Philosophy [Kimiko & Silver]

    The sky was quickly darkening as Kimiko arrived at her usual secluded spot on the outskirts of town. She liked this spot in particular; more than once she'd spotted other somewhat familiar pokemon in the area training or whatever, but this spot was shielded enough that she was very rarely...
  2. Shadow Serenity

    Sojaveña Wilds Bedaurejo Castle Mystery Dungeon

    Tired as she was, Kimiko was content to sit and rest while observing the battle's aftermath. She was no politician, and these sort of... meetings weren't really her area of expertise. She found it odd that Valere still didn't really trust them. Wasn't that the whole point of doing battle? He'd...
  3. Shadow Serenity

    Sojaveña Wilds Bedaurejo Castle Mystery Dungeon

    Having leapt so close to the noivern just to get in one attack on the gallade probably wasn't Kimiko's smartest idea. She's tried to aim a vine at the tower banners, to try and grab one to slow her descent and pull her out of the way of Farin's attack, but she just hadn't had the time to react...
  4. Shadow Serenity

    Sojaveña Wilds Bedaurejo Castle Mystery Dungeon

    Ugh, that had hurt. The team had been really busted up by that last maneuver, despite managing to avoid the worst of it. Valere and Farin weren't about to let them off easy, either, prepping yet another boomburst. Maybe she had been on the right track earlier... if only she'd followed through on...
  5. Shadow Serenity

    Sojaveña Wilds Bedaurejo Castle Mystery Dungeon

    So Valere had nothing to say. Other than Gladion, who's answer had been snarky sarcasm, only Kimiko had outwardly responded to Valere's accusation. So either it had been enough for him when Kimiko corrected her miscommunication and needed no further words, or he was too distracted by watching...
  6. Shadow Serenity

    Sojaveña Wilds Bedaurejo Castle Mystery Dungeon

    [ Putting on the I'm the Team Captain Now hat at to also post a provisional Isidora turn (This turn was discussed and agreed upon in discord, so I don't know if this was forgotten or they were intentionally waiting for some reason, but I also don't know JFought's time zone so, just to be safe...
  7. Shadow Serenity

    Sojaveña Wilds Bedaurejo Castle Mystery Dungeon

    Valere was somewhat more defensive in his hit-and-run strategy, but the gallade could still pack a punch. He was able to hit several of them at once, and somehow even conjured a cold wind that had no right to bite as hard as it did. But despite being weak to the surprise attack, it was Valere's...
  8. Shadow Serenity

    Sojaveña Wilds Bedaurejo Castle Mystery Dungeon

    When Laura offered her own motivation for being here, Kimiko debated stepping up again and sharing her own, too. But she didn't. She'd already said what mattered. Valere and Farin were prepping for a fight, and they were about to see her resolve. Words weren't important now. There was nothing...
  9. Shadow Serenity

    Sojaveña Wilds Bedaurejo Castle Mystery Dungeon

    She ran. If she were honest with herself, that's really what her reason for being here boiled down to. She'd needed an escape - albeit one she understood from the beginning to be temporary - from the ghosts and cultists hunting them down. But she still knew there was work here to be doing, and...
  10. Shadow Serenity

    Sojaveña Wilds Bedaurejo Castle Mystery Dungeon

    The sudden impact of the psychic blast made Kimiko flinch; she'd kept quiet during the walk, taking in the sights of the dungeon, and it seemed most of her companions had been doing the same. She instantly shifted into a defensive stance, prepping to toss some leaves back in the direction the...
  11. Shadow Serenity

    Sojaveña Wilds Bedaurejo Castle Mystery Dungeon

    Kimiko hummed quietly to herself, along with the kriketune as he steered the tiny, cramped boat. She enjoyed the distraction; she wasn't sure how she'd fare on this mission if she'd been forced to pay attention to the crushing thoughts bouncing around her mind. She hadn't yet gotten to speak...
  12. Shadow Serenity

    Blaguarro Town Blaguarro Outskirts

    The skorupi simply continued to to squirm in apparent agony. Kimiko wasn't sure what more they'd gleam from observing it at this distance without interacting with it in some way, but she kept quiet. Still, something about watching the bug wiggling around unsettled her. It looked like it was in...
  13. Shadow Serenity

    Blaguarro Town Blaguarro Outskirts

    Kimiko felt herself visibly withering under Odette's rant. She could tell it was well-meaning, but that didn't stop the sting. She had a few replies - 'magical leaf should still reach it' or 'I wasn't gonna go all the way down' or 'yes I know what a bug type is, the charmeleon was fire-type...
  14. Shadow Serenity

    Frontier Town Sun Stone Saloon

    "My evening's free," Kimiko responded, glancing back at the bar. She could stick around and get some food, which is what she'd been looking for originally anyway, and get a taste of what else Odette was performing. She shook the mawile's hand with a vine. "Right back at ya. And thanks for...
  15. Shadow Serenity

    Blaguarro Town Blaguarro Outskirts

    Still on her perch on the ledge, Kimiko flinched as the skorupi hissed up at Ridley's voice. "Does that answer your question?" Kimiko said deadpan. Buddies from the bar...? Was that some kind of joke referring to other shadow pokemon showing up? For the moment, the skorupi remained the only...
  16. Shadow Serenity

    Frontier Town Sun Stone Saloon

    Well, that was a more substantial reply than Kimiko expected to get, but it did bring to mind a concern she hadn't thought about. Only the mayor had been taken away. She had no idea what had become of the other two that had been supporting him, nor most of the guests. But the possibility existed...
  17. Shadow Serenity

    Blaguarro Town Blaguarro Outskirts

    For a moment, Kimiko waited tensely, trying to keep eyes on both the skorupi and Odette, until finally, whether due to the Voice, her own warning, or just common sense, the latter thought better of whatever she had been trying to do and started climbing back up the tower. Kimiko retracted her...
  18. Shadow Serenity

    Blaguarro Town Blaguarro Outskirts

    Fuck fuck fuuuuuuck Okay okay, calm down. Breathe. Stop and think. Prioritize. What's most important? They had to alert Anite, or the other tower, or somebody. But in the heat of the moment, Kimiko could not recall how they were supposed to do that. Also, no, that wasn't the most important...
  19. Shadow Serenity

    Blaguarro Town Blaguarro Outskirts

    Kimiko rounded on Ridley almost immediately, opening her mouth to give him a piece of her mind. But thankfully, before she could lash out, the third member of their group had started to move. So at least one of them had their head on straight. Or maybe she didn't, either. "What are you...
  20. Shadow Serenity

    Blaguarro Town Blaguarro Outskirts

    Kimiko was sightly taken aback by the immediate harshness of her tone. "What other kind of pokemon tries to brutally murder an entirely non-threatening passerby?" she countered defensively, but Odette didn't seem to be paying attention anymore. She'd gotten a look on her face, but it wasn't...
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