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Search results

  1. Shadow Serenity

    Frontier Town Sun Stone Saloon
    Threadmarks: Ch02 - Little Queens [Kimiko & Odette]

    It had been a surprise to Kimiko how quickly she (and the rest of the party) recovered from their battle with the mayor. She knew from training her team that pokemon often healed faster than expected, but to experience it herself was something new. It was early in the evening after a long day...
  2. Shadow Serenity

    Frontier Town Grand Station Construction Site

    Kimiko had been about to ask "Why does everyone think we're going to get jumped if we explore Blaguarro?", but then she noticed that Dave had gotten a look on his face for a moment, and that was all it took for everyone else to start shifting uncomfortably. There was something else to this...
  3. Shadow Serenity

    Frontier Town Grand Station Construction Site

    "We'd only be going in to get intel, not to bust up the entire operation," Kimiko replied. Was that really what he was expecting? To just go in there and blow the place up or something? All they knew for certain was that the caravans were headed in that direction, not what was inside. "The...
  4. Shadow Serenity

    Frontier Town Grand Station Construction Site

    As Jaak started listing off items and filling them in on rumors, Kimiko bowed her head slightly, lost in thought as she absorbed the information. If she were looking for links between the caravans and stolen items, then the food and clothing made a degree of sense. If 'mon were being...
  5. Shadow Serenity

    Frontier Town Grand Station Construction Site

    So not only were there kidnapped pokemon being shipped off to Blaguarro, but there were also reports in that same area of violent beasts and things going missing. Kimiko was reminded of the talks back at the gala; speculation that the caravan's destination sounded almost like a lab. Sonora...
  6. Shadow Serenity

    Frontier Town Grand Station Construction Site

    After the battle at the Gala, Kimiko decided to take a walk to try to sort her feelings on the matter (once it was clear the group wasn't about to be kicked out of town). Her idle wandering took her to the construction site - somewhere she'd not yet felt the need to explore. She'd kept back...
  7. Shadow Serenity

    Frontier Town Mayoral Residence – Ground Floor

    Tomorrow night. Tomorrow night. As exhausted as she felt, Kimiko doubted she'd be out of bed for a full week after this evening's battle. Gods, she really needed to train more, didn't she? She wasn't entirely sure how she'd gone from 'we shouldn't be involved in this' to 'train me in your...
  8. Shadow Serenity

    Frontier Town Mayoral Residence – Ground Floor

    With the ralts getting medial attention, Kimiko allowed herself rest. She sat back against a wall with her eyes closed, listening in on the conversations nearby. Some of the group had even suggested going out for ice cream, as if anything they'd done here was worth celebrating, like a sports...
  9. Shadow Serenity

    Frontier Town Mayoral Residence – Ground Floor

    So, that was that, then. The dastardly mayor and his hired help had been defeated, whatever schemes he had been covering up were likely about to come to light, and the bandits won. Definitely felt like a Wild West story if Kimiko ever heard one. It was easy during the heat of battle to push...
  10. Shadow Serenity

    Frontier Town Mayoral Residence – Ground Floor

    [[ooc: I know my squad's not allowed to attack the penguin until our guard is KO'd but purely for flavor purposes, I am ignoring this. Mechanically it should line up.]] Before she even realized what was happening, the bisharp rushed forwards and tore through her squad like a hot knife through...
  11. Shadow Serenity

    Frontier Town Mayoral Residence – Ground Floor

    Kimiko acknowledged the sneasel with a nod and a small smile - just enough to show she heard and appreciated his words, but still convey 'no time to discuss it now'. They burst into the manor's grand ballroom. Lots of chaos, lots of accusations. Kimiko found it difficult to follow (her own...
  12. Shadow Serenity

    Frontier Town Civic Courtyard

    With the adrenaline rush of the battle fading, the watchog guard (somewhat shockingly) defeated, and one of the Frankenmon checking on the stragglers for injuries, Kimiko felt a fog clear in her head, as though her newfound battle instinct was sated for the time being. For a group that hadn't...
  13. Shadow Serenity

    Frontier Town Civic Courtyard

    And just like that, the patrat guard was down. Kimiko stood there for a moment, just staring at it, giddy on the adrenaline rush she was feeling. It had worn her out a bit, but she'd nearly taken that guard down on her own (of course, the initial assault from the Frankenmon was essential in...
  14. Shadow Serenity

    Frontier Town Civic Courtyard

    As soon as Kimiko's barrage finished, she stared in surprise at the injured patrat. How did I do that? She hadn't even really thought about it, she'd just... attacked. Some part of her trainer's instinct, perhaps? But then, that only told her what she should do, not how to do it. Sure, she'd...
  15. Shadow Serenity

    Frontier Town Civic Courtyard

    The courtyard was quickly devolving into chaos. While Kimiko struggled to think of a way to convince the guards to let them inside the mansion, a pokemon from inside burst out into the courtyard. Kimiko's eyes went wide in surprise at the sudden appearance, as she recognized the Frankenmon from...
  16. Shadow Serenity

    Frontier Town Civic Courtyard

    As soon as the music stopped mid-song, Kimiko knew something was up. The shouting was probably a good indicator, too. And then she overheard one of the guards loudly addressing a somewhat familiar sneasel... No longer open...? The party hadn't been going on that long. Something was going on...
  17. Shadow Serenity

    Frontier Town Civic Courtyard

    Since the encounter with Laura and Jade, Kimiko had kept mostly to herself, continuing to take odd jobs off the bulletin board, and hanging out in a secluded spot on the outskirts of town that she discovered during one of those jobs. It was peaceful and generally quiet, somewhere she could...
  18. Shadow Serenity

    Frontier Town Main Street

    "Oh, I dunno if you're the only one trying to gather info," Kimiko replied. "You're just the most organized of the lot that I've seen. But you're right, we all should be trying to gather whatever intel we can find." Laura's last words gave her pause, and Kimiko again thought back to the ghosts...
  19. Shadow Serenity

    Frontier Town Main Street

    "Nah, it's better to be realistic about stuff like this," Kimiko replied with a shrug. "I mean, I'm all for hope and optimism, but I've had the same thought. With so many of us summoned, I figure whoever called us here just expects to need a lot of firepower. Or perhaps just a wide array of...
  20. Shadow Serenity

    Frontier Town Main Street

    A look of confusion crossed Kimiko's face briefly, but she returned to a more level expression the second she realized it. Well, Jade didn't seem like she was in any rush to find help for her partner, so whatever it was for couldn't have been anything time sensitive. And Laura was right, too -...
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