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Search results

  1. Wyvern

    Closed Sunset Falls Academy

    Count me in <3 Name: Mori Arpen Age: 18 Gender: Male Species: Mightyena Grade: 11 Ability: Quick Feet Appearance: Mori is a very slender fellow, standing at 6 foot tall and only weighing 132lb. No matter how much he eats, he seems unable to gain any more weight. His jet black hair sits of...
  2. Wyvern

    The LGBT Club

    I found a gay bar today ^_^ It had bright rainbow flags outside :3
  3. Wyvern

    [MATURE] Furry fandom

    Hmm...could it possibly be Zrioy? xD
  4. Wyvern

    The LGBT Club

    I know, just being dramatic :P
  5. Wyvern

    The LGBT Club

    Kill them...kill them all...they don't deserve to live
  6. Wyvern

    [MATURE] Furry fandom

    Added ^_^ Yush, I agree :3Though I wish I could draw T_T
  7. Wyvern

    Wyvern vs. Blastoise

    No no no no NO!!! No Rain Dance!! Before that miscoloured mutt can use it, give it a reminder of who you are with a sharp, loud Roar. If that works, it'll try and use it again, so use Sunny Day straight after. If it doesn't, then Protect yourself and brace for impact, there's not really much...
  8. Wyvern

    [MATURE] Furry fandom

    Anthro stuff is the best imo ^_^ My fursona is actually an anthro dingo o.o Kind of appropriate for an Aussie don't you think? xD
  9. Wyvern

    [MATURE] Furry fandom

    That's cute x3 *broadens even more*
  10. Wyvern

    [MATURE] Furry fandom

    Like what other one? The Pokephile club? O.o Also, I shall add the names of those I haven't already. ^_^ @surskitty: Idk O_o Btw, my fursona is an anthro dingo (fairly appropriate for an Aussie don't you think? xD) EDIT: I think I'll also add a separate list for FA accounts. I won't link any...
  11. Wyvern

    [MATURE] Furry fandom

    A goat eh? First I've heard of that. *broadens horizons* *adds both of you*
  12. Wyvern

    [MATURE] Furry fandom

    Righto, good to have you aboard ^_^
  13. Wyvern

    [MATURE] Furry fandom

    You would indeed ^_^ I shall add your name to our uh...huge memberlist xD
  14. Wyvern

    [MATURE] Furry fandom

    So it's organised and easy to find. One of the purposes of this place is to make new friends.
  15. Wyvern

    [MATURE] Furry fandom

    Not at all, just a place for furries to hang out ^_^
  16. Wyvern

    The LGBT Club

    Truth be told I use my mother's eyebrow plucker to get my wild hairs out xD So lonely x.x
  17. Wyvern

    [MATURE] Furry fandom

    Okay, so I joined the Pokephilia club because I love Lucario and various other Pokemon, but I'm not really that big on it. So, I've decided to start a club for all furries, Pokemon or not. Here we can discuss anything regarding really sexy things covered in fur, hair, scales, whatever your...
  18. Wyvern

    The LGBT Club

    Saw a reeeeeally cute guy yesterday, we were playing Guitar Hero in a Gametraders store xP Unfortunately he left with his mother, only saying goodbye ): That and he looked about 14-15 ): *sigh* Australia is no place for gays :/
  19. Wyvern

    The LGBT Club

    Lucky you, I'm stuck here on the other side of the country with a single gay/bi guy that I know of T_T
  20. Wyvern

    The LGBT Club

    Good on you Vlad! I salute you ^w^
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