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Search results

  1. Wyvern

    The LGBT Club

    Ok I was pissed off when I said that :/ But I'll just quote the passage constantly thrown in my face... Leviticus 18:22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.
  2. Wyvern

    The LGBT Club

    I am officially disowning any and all Christians unless I get to/am getting to know them... I'm highly pissed off right now, though I can't be, because I'm not a person...
  3. Wyvern

    The LGBT Club

    Whoa whoa whoa! Why the hell would she say that? O_o
  4. Wyvern

    The LGBT Club

    Oh xD Well, welcome to the club ^w^
  5. Wyvern

    The LGBT Club

    I knows ^w^ So I take it your letter is L? owo
  6. Wyvern

    The LGBT Club

    So I herd Mudkipz lieks other Mudkipz owo
  7. Wyvern

    The LGBT Club

    Bollocks is the BEST word. Bollocks bollocks bollocks bollocks bollocks
  8. Wyvern

    The LGBT Club

    I prefer using the word "ballbag" Idk, it just sounds funny and awesome xD
  9. Wyvern

    Wyvern vs. Blastoise

    In a flash of red light, Ben returns to his Pokeball Excellent work Ben, a long rest is well deserved ^_^ Ok, time to turn this into an all out dogfight, and I mean dog! I choose Bel! Let's finish this girl off quickly. Use Nasty Plot to get some more power into you, then use Swagger to piss...
  10. Wyvern

    The LGBT Club

    Bawlz I liek that word too :3
  11. Wyvern

    The LGBT Club

    I'm not a clubbing sort of person. I hate being around crowds x.x
  12. Wyvern

    The LGBT Club

  13. Wyvern

    The LGBT Club

    I don't o.o
  14. Wyvern

    The LGBT Club

    ;-; *cries and leaves*
  15. Wyvern

    The LGBT Club

    Faggotry ftw <333
  16. Wyvern

    Wyvern vs. Blastoise

    Oh you evil little... Ben, let's try just one more round. First of all, leave your mark with a Toxic, then if you can, hit him with Blizzards. Toxic ~ Blizzard ~ Blizzard
  17. Wyvern

    Bromine vs. Wyvern

    Your first battle Rory, let's win this thing! First off, while he's using Toxic Spikes, focus your power into a Vacuum Wave and when he uses the move, blow them away as far as you can. Use a Mud Slap to disrupt his aim of Pin Missile, then use Screech to give us a little extra advantage...
  18. Wyvern

    The LGBT Club

    I drink ice tea ^_^
  19. Wyvern

    Rate The Video Game Song Above!

    Too heavy? O_o 6/10. I listened to the first few seconds of the singing and was like "ugh T_T" I personally don't like those sorts of songs. You can't go past Oblivion
  20. Wyvern

    Rate The Video Game Song Above!

    8.5/10 Not bad, wouldn't listen to it though :P Ninja Gaiden theme
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