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Search results

  1. M

    Oh hi there!

    Hello! I'm a new user (one of the many), and I AM A ROM HACKER! I am a fan of roleplaying and the phrase "I AM A ROM HACKER!" and will probably use it in every single post, yet striped. Tell me an RP about either pokemon related stuff (except gijinkas), wolves/cats/dogs or Warriors, and I'll be...
  2. M

    Team Rocket Challenge

    Okay, so I'm going to do this also. (Actually, I've already started, but caught a single pokemon so it's not that bad.) Info about character: Name: Crystal Rival: Ash Starter: Bulbasaur Current progress: - Got Stole female Bulbasaur from Prof. Oak - Nicknamed Bulbasaur Ivy - Lost to Ash (It's...
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