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  1. F

    thanks. it's not really that easy to talk about it since most of my friends and even my family...

    thanks. it's not really that easy to talk about it since most of my friends and even my family members dismiss it as something trivial, so i tend to repress most of my feelings, which honestly makes it even worse. i'm grateful that you sent me this vm.
  2. F


    hi, i'm fred (though that isn't my real name), and i'm a freshman in college. i like playing basketball occasionally and playing table tennis with friends. i play pokemon competitively when i'm bored and hit #60 on a ladder once with a team i built in about five minutes. not a rapper. if you...
  3. F

    Describe Yourself.

    (i know no one here knows me, but whatever) name: harold g age: 18 gender: male location: united states physical appearance: uhhh, 6'1" black guy, slightly muscular build. large afro, small amount of facial hair (i usually shave), thick glasses, a face that usually carries a gaunt expression...
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