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Search results

  1. Sunnybeam

    Thanks for signing up at the Project Kailou forums! Uh, we've kinda caught some grief for not...

    Thanks for signing up at the Project Kailou forums! Uh, we've kinda caught some grief for not having much revealed yet, so we really appreciate you joining. The male player character's design was just unveiled, so if you'd like to share your thoughts....
  2. Sunnybeam

    Which of these story ideas....

    (Holy crap has this thread has gotten more attention than I expected. o.O) Well, uh, I was bored...so I typed little passages for each. These may not appear word-for-word in whichever finished project comes up, but it kinda sets the general mood for each piece... Rune of Water Her path had...
  3. Sunnybeam

    Which of these story ideas....

    My hope is that I can breathe some life into what is generally regarded as a throwaway newbie genre. If you've browsed the FFnet Pokemon archive (oh GOD), you've seen the multitudes of horrible wish-fulfillment/wanna-be-badass/WOMG-MUST-SHIP-MEWTWO Pokemorph fics. Heh, I just read Lord of the...
  4. Sunnybeam

    Objection! (Ace Attorney fan-club)

    Yeaaaaah, AA has just always had a screwy timeline. I've seen the same thing brought up in a bunch of places...
  5. Sunnybeam

    [OOC] TCG Tournament: Pokemon-ex

    I have made a decision as per the cutoff of this RP. I don't want the cast to be very large - four or five sign-ups would suffice. I also want to start this within two weeks. So whichever comes first - five signups or March 21 - will be the cutoff. After that, I'll allow some time to finish...
  6. Sunnybeam

    Objection! (Ace Attorney fan-club)

    This is a wonderful AU...incomplete, but still wonderful. Two root changes - Phoenix is Miles' adopted brother, and http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4123259/1/Without_Wings EDIT: Gahwut. Can somebody tell me how to add details to the spoiler tag, like "Spoiler for GS3" or whatever...? This...
  7. Sunnybeam

    Objection! (Ace Attorney fan-club)

    ...I just noticed that one of this thread's tags is "foolish foolery", and I'm laughing so hard. xDDDD And WOMG I'VE NEVER SEEN THAT FLASH BEFORE OH MY MEW THAT IS TOO AWESOME. I'm watching it for the fifth time now and am sending it to all of my friends.
  8. Sunnybeam

    [OOC] TCG Tournament: Pokemon-ex

    You're definitely reserved, I like Vai's personality. And that's fine, this is kind of a test-run...only one person ever signed up for this on PC, so I never actually got to start. It might work well as a full-forum RP, but I want to try a smaller version first.
  9. Sunnybeam

    Which of these story ideas....

    ...would you be most interested in reading? Rune of Water A divergent-timeline AU from PokeSpecial RS. Plays off of the Red Orb/Blue Orb possession thing; the idea is that Sapphire, unconscious after being pulled through the voids of time by Ruby's Celebi, finds herself inside her own...
  10. Sunnybeam

    Where did you get your Username from?

    Aqua059 - This was the name I first used online. Had to do with my first-ever fanfiction, which SUCKED. All of the characters were terrible...except two. Lugia and Scorch-the-Arcanine. That last one, for strange plot reasons, had blue stripes and a secondary Water typing - over time, the...
  11. Sunnybeam

    Objection! (Ace Attorney fan-club)

    Er-hrm. He's a Phoenix, of course he's immortal! 8D Speaking of which, this is one of the funniest things ever.
  12. Sunnybeam

    Very much so. AA's my obsession-of-the-now. If only I could've found an Adrian avvie...she's...

    Very much so. AA's my obsession-of-the-now. If only I could've found an Adrian avvie...she's my favorite character so far, though pretty much all of the chars are amazing in some way or another.
  13. Sunnybeam

    -reads your signature- ...Y'know, I'm not that bad of a pixel artist. Want me to take a stab...

    -reads your signature- ...Y'know, I'm not that bad of a pixel artist. Want me to take a stab at that Pachirisu montage line? What kind of expressions d'ya need?
  14. Sunnybeam

    Thanks! I think I like this place already~ ^^ (Ahaha, I KNEW this was a good avvie choice. :3)

    Thanks! I think I like this place already~ ^^ (Ahaha, I KNEW this was a good avvie choice. :3)
  15. Sunnybeam

    Objection! (Ace Attorney fan-club)

    I want to touch Apollo's hair naoplzkthxbai. http://chinchikurin.deviantart.com/art/Apollo-Justice-Faces-83728344 ENGARDE NEEDS TO DIE Aaaaagh. >_>
  16. Sunnybeam

    [OOC] TCG Tournament: Pokemon-ex

    Sure, reserved.
  17. Sunnybeam

    Objection! (Ace Attorney fan-club)

    Exactly. I dunno, but I've been to forums where people are all like "WTF PHOENIX IS NOT MAIN CHAR ARG I HATE APOLLO D8" and I'm just like "o.o why you hatin' on the antennae? T__T" Umyah. Like I said, it's shades of the "WTF (insert anything except Kanto here) IS STOOPID" thing that our...
  18. Sunnybeam

    [OOC] TCG Tournament: Pokemon-ex

    A New Pokemon World Across the reaches of reality, there are several Pokemon worlds. One, though, stands out from the rest; a world that manifests itself in ours as a card game. In this world, a substance called Energy is the greatest power in existence. It is the lifeblood of the planet...
  19. Sunnybeam


    Ohwhoops. See, my last home-forum was the PokeCommunity, where she goes by Dragonfree, sooo....
  20. Sunnybeam

    Objection! (Ace Attorney fan-club)

    -grins- Who knew choosing this avatar over Cherrim or Calumon would lead me to a club? I'm on 3-2 right now, a friend is lending me all of the games in order. I read too much fanfiction, thus I know more than I should about the parts I haven't yet played. ^^;; And...uh...Apollo is adorable...
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