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Search results

  1. jupiter

    Silly things you've done half-asleep

    Well, my uncle climbed out of a window. He did not have fun with that. I also swore at my sister for waking me up, tripped on something (the carpet?) and managed to split the side of my face open on a computer monitor. I'm not sure if sleep is good for me in any way.
  2. jupiter

    Newbie person

    @ above: If you don't like intros, then why are you posting here? -_- Welcome to TCoD, where people eat things like cheese, cupcakes, and Poland!
  3. jupiter


    Me: Hi, Lugia. Lugia:Hiya, actually my name is LugiaBot, Lugia is Articuno's boyfriend. Me: Ok. Lugia:Gosh! Me:What's that supposed to mean? Lugia: "Gosh" means exactly what it says. Me: Alrighty then. Lugia: Well slap my knee. Me: Do you mind if I say something random? Lugia: Human habits do...
  4. jupiter

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

    I almost giggled. =P EDIT: I finded a tunnel with mah pogeymanz in the middle.
  5. jupiter

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

    Sorry if they're bad. :)
  6. jupiter

    PRESIDENT (ELECT) Barack Obama

    Re: PRESIDENT Barack Obama Was? What happened? :grin:
  7. jupiter

    Fuck Palin

    And now we'll get "Palin in 2012". NO. I watch too much SNL.
  8. jupiter

    Barack Obama! The 44th President!!

    That he is. Well, I guess there's only one way to go from here. (up, obviously) And, I hope Obama's ready, cause he's got some major problems to fix while he's in office. And right now he has 338 electoral votes. :)
  9. jupiter

    I be new :)

    *Hides plushie under pillow*
  10. jupiter

    Thanks. :)

    Thanks. :)
  11. jupiter

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

    0_0 I lost on Dr. Phil.
  12. jupiter

    another homework poll ...

    You know what? I think that teachers are just too dumb to realize that most career paths don't require higher math than algebra. Honestly, people.
  13. jupiter

    I be new :)

    'Ello, everybody! Name's jupiter, and don't wear it out! :grin:
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