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Search results

  1. GalladeMaster

    Taliax's Sprite Contest

    Here it is! I know its not that good but I did my best
  2. GalladeMaster

    Taliax's Sprite Contest

    Do you still have room for me? If you do save me a spot. I am making a Cacturne/Electabuzz.
  3. GalladeMaster

    Dragon's Generic Sprite Place of DOOOOM

    I would like a Gallade Ipod poster with a green backround please!=)
  4. GalladeMaster

    Pokemorph Lab

    Game series:Diamond Pokemon:Shedinja Gender:Male Accessory(s) :The little halo shedinja has. Pants/skirt color: Shirt color: Hair color: Eye color: Skin color:shedinja brown Human (picture or name required):cooltrainer male
  5. GalladeMaster

    Requests Open Raichu's Spirite shop!

    Yes I have a request, two pokemon eggs please! One for Kyogre and the other Groudon. Thank you! Also thanks for the other sprite you made me!
  6. GalladeMaster

    Requests Open Raichu's Spirite shop!

    Can I have a mix of Rotom and Deoxys, with Deoxys as the base?
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