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Search results

  1. M

    Pokemon Time and Space-Looking for artists,animators and spriters!

    Not long ago, me and a friend found an old notebook of mine. In it, we found a bunch of sketches,ideas and maps. The first ever work on Time and Space, two games I made at 9 years old. We have lots of ideas ready, and a good friend of mine is planning to hack the games. But first, we need at...
  2. M

    Pondering the world-Star's Oneshot collection

    Yes.I have decided to bring my not-exactly-top-quality writing here.You poor things. 1-Pondering His Life "Rayne the Absol sighed. His pelt and muzzle were coated with his own blood, and the blood of his mother, Nightblade. She had been with him only hours ago,then a trainer came by. He...
  3. M

    Headers,leave me alone :<

    Hi~I'm new here,if you didn't gather that.I tend to go by MANY names,but I'll usually only respond to Danny,Star and Nuz.I'm a Pokemon loving fangirl,and I think I annoy people a lot,but you'll get used to me.I've been following this site since I was...8,I think,but I only just discovered the...
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