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Search results

  1. K

    Swampert forum

    Dose everyone think it's "frickin' awsome"?
  2. K

    Swampert forum

    So is the layout good or no?
  3. K

    Swampert forum

    I am swampert. Why do you ask?
  4. K

    Swampert forum

    Hey check out my new layout or "pattern" which ever one you call it.
  5. K

    Swampert forum

    Lol ok funny I didn't ask for faith in my site I asked for tips.
  6. K

    Swampert forum

    Hey I'm back
  7. K

    Swampert forum

    Ok I see...........so whats new? It seems like my site went up now it's just going down but i'll fix that when I can stay on computer longer.
  8. K

    Swampert forum

    What you guys/girls talking about? lol
  9. K

    Swampert forum

    Lol i geuss I don't sometimes. The url of my site has been changed it is now http://swampert.video-forums.com/forum.htm
  10. K

    Swampert forum

    Why would i say it again? I mean if you want to I will. My dragons look soooo cool!!!!!!!!!
  11. K

    Swampert forum

    I sayed could maybe there sisters/brothers or something. I don't even know if they are an boy or an girl lol. Why do you think I always say guys/girls?
  12. K

    Swampert forum

    Lol funny you sound like you could be the user Renteura of my forum are you?
  13. K

    Swampert forum

    Yea thanks for the thing about the banner. The problem is I didn't make it i'll try to get another one. Oh yeah it would hep if more people joined we are trying to like get gym leaders,E4,battlers, etc. but we need a little bit more people can you guys click my dragons mostly my white one
  14. K

    hi it's me Ken #1

    Hey dose that mean you think your water team is better then mine because if that is so I would like a battle water vs water when ever. Ok maybe not when ever but next mouth when ever I'm bout to go away on a trip. Sorry lol
  15. K

    Swampert forum

    Well I see you guys/girls post even if I don't post back. I'm just here to thank you guys/girls for helping me out with my site i have fixed it up. I even got a couple people who knew what they were doing to help me. lol Thank you guys for the suggestions. Go check out with you help with. Can...
  16. K

    Swampert forum

    Yeah i am advertising for them who ever makes an banner there has to advertise for them it's there logo that is on all there banner. Is that a problem i made 3 banners on there site there logo never did anything to me. That would be nice but untill I do get an new banner i'm going with what i...
  17. K

    Swampert forum

    Umm dude I did make my own banner just the easy way. On my banner maker you pick the size of the banner you want,get your own pictue, and put on your own words. I didn't just see the banner and say wow that gose good with my site.
  18. K

    Swampert forum

    Why would i redo the entire forum? There are people who likes my site and that gets on. What would i like to delet there post because some site i posted an ad on said so? I have already put up new backround which my forum user said was nice and my mods are working on the rest of the stuff. What...
  19. K

    Swampert forum

    wow......You guys went way off subject........Which is my forum.
  20. K

    Swampert forum

    Umm I belive I did if I didn't how would I know what you guys/girls are telling me to fix??
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