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Search results

  1. K

    Swampert forum

    ok I'll change the icons anything eles
  2. K

    Swampert forum

    well ty *cough*slut*cough* sorry i think im comeing down with something now........can someone realy tell me what can i do to better my site with no smart remarks?
  3. K

    Swampert forum

    wow you guys are fu**ing mean and are realy getting on my nerve so umm if you don't have nothing nice to say don't say it at all ty
  4. K

    Swampert forum

    oh sorry if i don't amuze you it's not my fault im just getting started. You should be more nicer how bout you help me not make it boring.
  5. K

    hi it's me Ken #1

    hi im Ken #1 also owner of swampert forum> i'm not realy new here just never realy got on so i guess none of you would know me but just to let you know i own water type :grin: lol and my fav poke is swampert also as i call him s-pert and i bet none of will say and realy mean swampert is one of...
  6. K

    Swampert forum

    > clike on the swampert it will take you to the site. The forum is just getting up but it has somethings on there and they are waiting for people to fill them. Like it has breeders and gyms. I am also looking for people to help aka modertours for my site. I am kind of new at this thing and it...
  7. K

    rayquaza berries

    I have an berry you want some of them like berries 1-35 are free ill just give them to you. The rest of the berries 36-64 i'll see what i can do for you. Berries 53-64 come at a higher price then berries 36-52. here is the link when you get there and log in you can post what berry you want in...
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