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Search results

  1. alma mater

    knives alley hydra mafia

    I agree with the later conclusion that that modline was just meant to convey "the rolecards are designed so you can't gotcha each other to figure out alignments", but when I saw town in ours, I had the same reaction as feh of "oh god are we really? or is rari just bastarding us?" OK I don't...
  2. alma mater

    knives alley hydra mafia

  3. alma mater

    knives alley hydra mafia

    er, read 50/50 as "rand% chance", not a literal 50% chance. that was a figure of speech not a literal odds-guess like the other odds-guesses were
  4. alma mater

    knives alley hydra mafia

    at the risk of actually doing analysis during the earlymemepages of the thread, I'm reading this as like a 75% chance a wolf would never be this blatant so therefore this is town-indicative, 25% chance zori just acts blatant as a wolf and therefore this is wolf-indicative if we die tonight that...
  5. alma mater

    knives alley hydra mafia

    alma gosh is what I call it when eif ghosts me without sharing her read >:(
  6. alma mater

    knives alley hydra mafia

    alma smfh is what I call it when I accidentally come up with a read however, alma no mater is what I call it when I will simply refuse to share it, even with Jack, and abscond.
  7. alma mater

    knives alley hydra mafia

    alma lonesome is what I call it when no one else has checked into wolfchat yet :(
  8. alma mater

    [signup thread] knives alley

    alma hype is what I call it when
  9. alma mater

    [signup thread] knives alley

    was it eifie or was it jack................
  10. alma mater

    [signup thread] knives alley

    alma players is what I call it when the game is ready to start
  11. alma mater

    [signup thread] knives alley

    alma haha-ter is what I call it when I log in excited to see 5 notifications but 3 of them are from myself -eif
  12. alma mater

    alma mater is what I call it when I put every tomato I own in a pile together -jack

    alma mater is what I call it when I put every tomato I own in a pile together -jack
  13. alma mater

    alma mater is what I call it when I put every tomato I own in a pile together -eif

    alma mater is what I call it when I put every tomato I own in a pile together -eif
  14. alma mater

    [signup thread] knives alley

    alma mater is what I call it when I put every tomato I own in a pile together
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