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Search results

  1. The Omskivar

    Any week spent at home is hell, but I'm currently working on it! I actually just sat down to do...

    Any week spent at home is hell, but I'm currently working on it! I actually just sat down to do it (the internet connection here is a can of worms on its own) and then it's all yours. Sorry for the confusion!
  2. The Omskivar

    Suggestion Box

    I've always considered Aqua Ring possible to tamper with. It's just water, really, I mean it's ~special magical Pokemon healing water~ but that doesn't make it not water. If Leech Seeds can be burned off I don't see why Aqua Rings can't be evaporated, frozen, sucked up by a Cotton Spore, you...
  3. The Omskivar

    Keldeo vs. Lilypad

    And the battle has been requested to end in a draw! No prizes are awarded for Metronome battles.
  4. The Omskivar

    Birthday Centre

    MF gets my Iron Ball for his birthday! Enjoy your heavy metal And VM gets a Vespidae Maggot! It may not look like much, but give it lots of care and it will become a Veritable Monster in its own right.
  5. The Omskivar

    The "Fwee" Thread

    Maybe! I have the Elder Scrolls music on a hard drive somewhere, but right now my phone's all about feel-good summer jams. If anyone's interested in seeing The Omskivar in a short play then have at it! I'm the one who runs in and says the first line
  6. The Omskivar

    Rate the song above you

    7/10, that was...something I'm currently obsessed with the band Vacationer
  7. The Omskivar

    The "Fwee" Thread

    It's called I Hate Hamlet, and it's very cleverly written, if the excerpts they used for callbacks are anything to go by. My script will be mailed to me over the summer! :D In other news, I decided my music on my phone was too...wintery. The weather's been really nice (today has been overcast...
  8. The Omskivar

    The "Fwee" Thread

    I got cast as an understudy! Very very exciting
  9. The Omskivar

    [15] The Omskivar vs Music Dragon (ref: Sangfroidish)

    Ahh, 'twas a risky move. You may shake my butt-hand with your leg-fork-analogue. Thanks for a great match (and some great reffing, Sangfroidish!)! And now--escape!
  10. The Omskivar

    Lord of the Fireflies vs The Omskivar

    Isn't this the same battle that I rolled four para-fails in? Alright Marilyn, everything else might have not worked out at all but you're the star of the show right now. Let's start with a Skill Swap, get rid of that pesky Bulletproof. This serves two purposes--now that you're immune to...
  11. The Omskivar

    Absence Sheet

    I'm really sorry guys, the end of the semester is a much bigger hassle than I anticipated, what with moving out, trying to head up to camp less than a week after getting back home and my room being a complete fucking mess right now. I'll get to the reffings I still owe people, but after that...
  12. The Omskivar

    [15] Grass King vs pathos (ref: The Omskivar)

    She did, but she hit the damage cap on the second action, so the first action's Leftovers gain was essentially nullified.
  13. The Omskivar

    Absence Sheet

    Okay I've got a final today and then some stuff to tie up, so now the worst-case scenario is I won't be posting anything until tomorrow. I don't have anything going on tomorrow though so that's something
  14. The Omskivar

    Absence Sheet

    I'll be MIA for at least a day or so starting tomorrow at noonish, just so everyone's aware. Worst case scenario, I don't show up until Sunday/Monday
  15. The Omskivar

    Trading Post

    I guess if nobody's claiming the Gastly I'll snag it? I did already get the Spinda though so if anyone else wants it
  16. The Omskivar

    The "Fwee" Thread

    So I went to my Introduction to Acting class today, which I did all of the semester's homework for (13 things omg) last night. My teacher, before class even started, approached me and said he had read my journals (we had to do four of them) and that if I was going to be a Theater major, I would...
  17. The Omskivar

    [15] Grass King vs pathos (ref: The Omskivar)

    Santalune, the "traditional city." The first stop on many a Pokemon journey, the small town was constantly making big noise with the bustle of new Trainers excitedly preparing for their Gym battle. Not only was there always a general hubbub in the streets, but more often than not there were at...
  18. The Omskivar

    Done and done, thank you!

    Done and done, thank you!
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