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Search results

  1. The Omskivar

    Sangfroidish vs Skyman

    Youuuuu are correct, of course, I kept getting my spirits mixed up. It should be fixed!
  2. The Omskivar

    Sangfroidish vs Skyman

    Taking the passing advice of some random kid, Sangfroidish and Skyman arrived at the Bastion by use of Skyman's Kirlia, with The Omskivar following close behind with his Drowzee. Truth be told, it was really an odd location--when the stranger had mentioned "the end of the world," The Omskivar...
  3. The Omskivar

    Faorzia vs Wargle

    Team Wargle OO Martimur (M) @Never-Melt Ice Health: 63% Energy: 80% Status: Out for blood. +4 Attack, +1 Accuracy. Team Faorzia OO Whisperling Neige (F) Health: 52% Energy: 81% Status: Facing her opponent unperturbed. -1 Speed. Has a Substitute (10%). Round 3 Martimur raised one knee, then...
  4. The Omskivar

    Question Box

    soooo if the battle style is Switch, and someone uses U-Turn but doesn't say anything about switching in the post, is the switch forced? Ignored? Would specification be needed? It's being used on the last action, if that's relevant, and the second set of commands was worded with the...
  5. The Omskivar

    Magical Sextuple Rotation Battle

    How silly of me! Okay Porkpie, this is all looking very good for us--you're even protected by the damage cap! That being said, the chances of you staying that way are slim. It's wishful thinking to expect your weaker opponents to finish each other off while they still have you to contend...
  6. The Omskivar

    Magical Sextuple Rotation Battle

    Porkpie shouldn't still be floating, should she? Actually I feel like she woulf have come back to earth after Tye left the battle
  7. The Omskivar

    :0 this from the queen of exorbitant naming! I am privileged

    :0 this from the queen of exorbitant naming! I am privileged
  8. The Omskivar

    Absence Sheet

    I'm a little in-and-out for a while, job interviews, school shopping in hometown, etc. Trying not to let it go past another few days
  9. The Omskivar

    Birthday Centre

    For Birdcrest: a worm for the early bird! Welcome to ASB! And for Zhorken: an Internet gremlin to help with your work! Thank you so much for all your hard work! :)
  10. The Omskivar

    Magical Sextuple Rotation Battle

    Porkpie, you've got more health than the both of them combined, and that probably doesn't mean much but we're gonna cling to that and follow our dreams. Here's what I want you to do girlie: Bendi is just throwing up a shield for now, and you're faster than a Skrelp (you're faster than a...
  11. The Omskivar

    it is i

    Welcome aboard! I'm The Omskivar. We should be able to find you a seat here somewhere~
  12. The Omskivar

    JackPK vs The Omskivar

    Alright Tickle, here's the plan--they've only specified Bouncing in case of Play Rough, so we're gonna hit 'em with a Dazzling Gleam! Then, we want that item back, so we're going to Covet it! And on the third action, we'll use Thunder Wave! Dazzling Gleam~Covet~Thunder Wave
  13. The Omskivar

    The "Fwee" Thread

    Both really good for college!! I wish I had some Tarot cards, someone this summer was doing readings and it was really cool Anyway yesterday I was just hangin' out in my room doing nothing and two of my housemates went to a bar to watch American football. They texted me about some kind of...
  14. The Omskivar

    What Games Are You Playing?

    I'm always really behind on playing games (I still haven't played Gen VI) so I just last week downloaded Fallout: New Vegas. I was a HUGE fan of Fallout 3 when I played it last year and I'm enjoying NV also, just...not as much, I think. The pacing and the plot are a lot more confusing this...
  15. The Omskivar


    ooooo this fall semester I'm starting my new Theater major! I'm very, very excited, it's going to be a lot of fun and I'm finally going to do something I'm passionate about after spending the first three years of college doing something else. I also just turned 21 and moved to a house closer...
  16. The Omskivar

    Why don't you post much?

    It's been by and large the same for me I think. I joined TCoD about a year before I graduated high school, and while I made friends easily enough, I think there was some pressure to fit in that came with being the new guy trying to break into the cool kids (this was, I believe, fairly early in...
  17. The Omskivar

    Faorzia vs Wargle

    Team Wargle OO Martimur (M) @Never-Melt Ice Health: 72% Energy: 88% Status: Shouting expletives as Wargle tries to calm him down. +3 Attack. Team Faorzia OO Whisperling Neige (F) Health: 78% Energy: 91% Status: Sore and ready to rebutt. Round 2 Without hesitation, Martimur sprang forward...
  18. The Omskivar

    Birdcrest vs Zero Moment

    The three Trainers popped into existence in the middle of a peaceful field. As Birdcrest and Zero Moment steadied themselves after teleporting, The Omskivar scratched the League-owned Abra behind the ears, marveling that they hadn't run out of peaceful, nondescript meadows to ravage with...
  19. The Omskivar

    Referee Headquarters

    So if a battle calls for an e-ref but the original referee hasn't done anything past opening the thread, does the e-ref still collect e-ref rates and get half of the battle prize, or do they collect as normal and get the full prize? or do they collect the e-ref rate and still get the full prize
  20. The Omskivar

    Emergency Ref Outpost

    I can take this one! If Skyman is out of commission for a bit then I have a little extra time, expect results in a day or three
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