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Search results

  1. Sonic Boom~

    Open Back In Action, Freedom Fighters!

    All accepted!!! And yeah, of course you can make up your own Freedom Fighters! Now, I'll make my forms~
  2. Sonic Boom~

    Open Back In Action, Freedom Fighters!

    THIS IS A SONIC RP!!!!! All the Freedom Fighters think they can relax, rid of worries, none of the Anti-Mobians around to ruin anything. But now, their world is being run over by the Anti-Mobians themselves! It's not known how they arrived, but what they do know is, they have to put them back...
  3. Sonic Boom~

    Sonic fans! YAY! Do you wanna be friends? There actually are more Sonic fans out there...YAY! Again!

    Sonic fans! YAY! Do you wanna be friends? There actually are more Sonic fans out there...YAY! Again!
  4. Sonic Boom~

    What's your birthday on the the tCoD Zodiac?

    Flowers be pretty...Shaymin and Bellossom work for me!
  5. Sonic Boom~

    What do you do when you're bored?

    As the title implies, what do you do when you're, you know, bored? I'm usually pretty random about the things I do, especially when I'm desprate. Things that aren't so random~ -Watch a DVD -Color -Get on the computer -Fall asleep from extreme bordomness -Turn on the radio Things that are a...
  6. Sonic Boom~

    And that is what you should do! (Even though Sonic protests...) Hey, wanna be friends?

    And that is what you should do! (Even though Sonic protests...) Hey, wanna be friends?
  7. Sonic Boom~

    Childhood Question-Which pokemon would you have as a pet?

    Re: The Ultimate Pokemon Question- Which pokemon do you want as a pet? Rapidash for quick transportation, and the awsomeness of having one! Although I don't have a stall, and it's mane might burn everything it comes near...Too bad, so sad! Otherwise, I might get a Quilava, Espeon, Umbreon, or...
  8. Sonic Boom~

    Okay, will you stop bugging me now, header?

    I've done what you've asked! Now, for an...um...oh, yeah! Introduction! The name's Sonic Boom, and Sonic and Pokemon are my top priorites! My friend told me about this place, and she said it was awsome, so I took her advice and ended up, like, here. Okay, my favorite Pokemon is Rapidash because...
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