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Search results

  1. SentaiHero

    Open Jyujin Sentai Animalger (STILL NEED ONE MORE MEMBER TO BE RED!)

    Re: Jyujin Sentai Animalger (Super Sentai RP) Wandering away from the bar, Hikaru passed through a high school, just as school ended. He overheard a small group of students gathered around a boy. Listening carefully, he heard the following: "Hey, Oaky, can you fix my computer? It's gone...
  2. SentaiHero

    Open Jyujin Sentai Animalger (STILL NEED ONE MORE MEMBER TO BE RED!)

    Re: Jyujin Sentai Animalger (Super Sentai RP) As Hikaru made his way downtown, he noticed a fight breaking out in the middle or the street. He noted that none of them were particularly good fighters. "No technique at all" Hikaru sighed. He then entered a bar to his right, sat at the bar and...
  3. SentaiHero

    Open Jyujin Sentai Animalger (STILL NEED ONE MORE MEMBER TO BE RED!)

    Re: Jyujin Sentai Animalger (Super Sentai RP) "Great, let's go! Adu-kun, take our nameless friend here to JyuTech. I'll go check out the local bars for some talent. Call me if there's a problem!" I hope she's as co-operative when an attack happens...
  4. SentaiHero

    Open Jyujin Sentai Animalger (STILL NEED ONE MORE MEMBER TO BE RED!)

    Re: Jyujin Sentai Animalger (Super Sentai RP) "Oh, how cold Adu-kun! It just occured to me that we didn't introduce ourselves. My name is Hikaru, and my monotone friend here is Aduachi, but call him Adu-kun. He loves it!", Hikaru said to Saya with a big smile. "Anyway, we need more members...
  5. SentaiHero

    Open Jyujin Sentai Animalger (STILL NEED ONE MORE MEMBER TO BE RED!)

    Re: Jyujin Sentai Animalger (Super Sentai RP) "Yes, that is about it!" Hikaru said loudly with a wide smile, but under his breath he whispered to her "But there is more to it than that." he said, guiding her over to a corner to speak in private. "JyuTech has a secret. A secret that could both...
  6. SentaiHero

    Open Jyujin Sentai Animalger (STILL NEED ONE MORE MEMBER TO BE RED!)

    Re: Jyujin Sentai Animalger (Super Sentai RP) "No. Confusion is understandable. Have you ever heard of JyuTech?", Hikaru asked with a trustable smile.
  7. SentaiHero

    Open Jyujin Sentai Animalger (STILL NEED ONE MORE MEMBER TO BE RED!)

    Re: Jyujin Sentai Animalger (Super Sentai RP) Upon entering a Dojo across town from their own, JyuWhite and JyuBlack come across a girl using a unique fighting style, and easily knocking down several opponents. They noted her determination to win, and after the lesson had finished, they...
  8. SentaiHero

    Open Jyujin Sentai Animalger (STILL NEED ONE MORE MEMBER TO BE RED!)

    Re: Jyujin Sentai Animalger (Super Sentai RP) (Ranged are items used from far away, aka guns, so I assume she is a Melee fighter. I also changed your code name to fit with the others. Excellent character.)
  9. SentaiHero

    Open Jyujin Sentai Animalger (STILL NEED ONE MORE MEMBER TO BE RED!)

    Re: Jyujin Sentai Animalger (Super Sentai RP) "It's only up to fate to decide what ultimately happens to us, Adu-kun, but it'll certainly increase our chances, anyway. Let's keep looking, for everyone's sake..." JyuBlack and JyuWhite head to a nearby high-schools and college campuses to try...
  10. SentaiHero

    Open Jyujin Sentai Animalger (STILL NEED ONE MORE MEMBER TO BE RED!)

    Re: Jyujin Sentai Animalger (Super Sentai RP) Episode One: The Search for Three Shining Heroes JyuWhite and JyuBlack go around Tokyo looking for three who are worthy of recieveing a Hibike Riser and becoming new Animalgers.
  11. SentaiHero

    Hello my friend! I joined, yay! Be sure to join my RP now, Mr. Vendetta

    Hello my friend! I joined, yay! Be sure to join my RP now, Mr. Vendetta
  12. SentaiHero

    Open Jyujin Sentai Animalger (STILL NEED ONE MORE MEMBER TO BE RED!)

    The year is 2004. 4 months ago, the evil Millenium Overlord sets into motion a plan to take over Japan in order to use it's technological achievements for his own evil deeds. He succeds in procuring a prototype version of a new device called "the Hibike Riser" (the Echo Riser), and gives it to...
  13. SentaiHero

    But The Header Made Me Feel Loved!

    Hi, I'm the new guy, I'm Irish and a Pokemon fan. Am, I also like anime and love Super Sentai and other tokusatsu. That's about it. Goodbye header, I'll miss you!
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